Business Object Properties Overview

Most object properties in the XML API and SOAP API are simple type properties. Exceptions include Date Fields, Address Fields, and Company and User Settings.

The OpenAir WSDL and XSD define every simple type property as a string.

Account administrators can define custom fields for supported record types in the OpenAir UI. For information about record that support custom fields, see Record Types and Forms Supporting Custom Fields. For information about working with custom fields in the XML API or SOAP API calls, see Custom Fields.

All SOAP business objects (complex types) except Address, Date, oaFieldAttribute and Module have an additional attributes property – A collection of additional attributes for this complex type.

Refer to the following help topics for more information about different type of object properties:

System Fields
Calculated Fields
Required Fields
Reference Fields
External ID Fields
Date Fields
Address Fields
Company and User Settings
Money Fields