Custom Import Workflows


This help topic describes a new approach to custom import workflows introduced in the April 15, 2023 OpenAir release.

The new approach is more flexible than custom imports defined on the OpenAir NetSuite Connector administration form and does not rely on NetSuite saved searches. See also Custom Imports.

You can add custom workflows to import data from NetSuite service items or custom record types into a supported record type in OpenAir using your own field mapping definitions. See Importing Records from NetSuite into OpenAir Using Custom Workflows.

Custom import workflows can be set to:

Custom import workflow field mapping supports filters and advanced mappings. See Advanced Mappings for Custom Import Workflows.

You can add custom import workflows to workflow groups and include them in your scheduled integration runs, or when running the integration manually. For more information about workflow groups, see Creating and Managing Workflow Groups.

By default, a maximum of 4 custom export or import workflows can be active at any one time. To review your requirements, and increase the maximum number of active custom export or import workflows accordingly, contact OpenAir Customer Support.

You can review the setting details you selected or entered when creating each custom import workflow at any time. See Viewing Custom import Workflows Settings.

You can manage custom import workflows and delete those you no longer need. See Deleting Custom Import Workflows.

Enabling Custom Import Workflows

Custom import workflows require the Enable Direct TBA NetSuite Connector administration settings to be enabled for your account.

To enable custom import workflows:

  1. Go to Administration > NetSuite Connector.

  2. Click the Tips button, then NetSuite Connector administration.

  3. Check the Custom Import box under the Imports section. See Custom Import.

Guidelines and Limitations

Review the following guidelines:

  • Custom import workflows currently support the following OpenAir record types: Cost (Loaded cost), Cost center, Job code, Payroll type, Rate card, Service 1-5 line, Time type.

  • Custom import workflows currently support the following NetSuite record types: Custom record types, Service item. For more information about creating custom record types in NetSuite, see Creating Custom Record Types (External link to NetSuite SuiteAnswers | Answer ID: 10140).

  • Custom import workflows importing NetSuite custom record types OpenAir: Cost Center as Cost center records in OpenAir and OpenAir: Project Rate Card as Rate card records in OpenAir support the Real-Time Record Import feature. See Real-Time Record Import and Configuring Real-Time Record Import from NetSuite into OpenAir.

  • Custom import workflow field mapping supports standard fields available in the NetSuite endpoint used for the integration and custom fields. Custom segments are not currently supported.

  • A custom import workflow imports all records of the selected type from NetSuite each time the custom import workflow even if the NetSuite records were imported previously and were not modified since the last import. To limit the number of records imported, use filters. See Using Filters.