Data That is Not Copied from Production to Sandbox

When a sandbox account is created or refreshed, the following information is not copied from your production account:


Auditing information is copied across from your production account to your sandbox account. This includes audit trail fields, web services log reports, OpenAir NetSuite Connector status logs, user scripting logs. Review the following guidelines:

  • Audit trail fields — The audit trail information recorded for every change to the record includes the internal ID for your company's OpenAir account (db_id). This db_id is different for your production account and your sandbox account. You can use this information to identify the changes that were made in your production account, and those that were made in your sandbox account after it was created or refreshed.

  • Web services log reports — The reports show the web services requests made in your production account before the sandbox was created or refreshed and in your sandbox account after it was created or refreshed. Links to view the request and response for web services requests made in your production account do not work when viewing the report in your sandbox account.

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