Save Payment Terms Internal ID on Invoice Records

Depending on your account configuration, you can select the payment terms on the invoice entity property form using a dropdown list. By default, the payment terms name is saved on the invoice record but not the payment terms ID.

This optional feature sets the internal ID of the payment terms selected for the invoice automatically when you create a new invoice or update an existing record. If your account is configured to show internal IDs on list views or on reports and if you are an account administrator or have the relevant role permissions, you can add the Internal ID - payment_terms_id column on list views or the Internal ID - payment_terms_id attribute to Invoice detail reports.

With this feature enabled, the payment_termsid value can be retrieved and modified using the XML or SOAP API.

To enable this feature , contact OpenAir Customer Support.


If the payment terms field currently shows as a text field on the invoice property form, it will show as a dropdown list after you enable this feature. The payment terms internal ID will not be populated for existing invoice records when you enable this feature. To set the payment terms internal ID for existing records, you can either save existing invoices manually or use the XML or SOAP API.