Allocation Grid

Allocation grids can be helpful in several use cases, but typically only work for small customers because of the amount of maintenance they require and how they work in reporting. The allocation grid custom field allows you to automatically report on a percentage of a number, where the percentage is stored in the allocation grid, and each value/row in the grid becomes its own reporting column.

Example of allocation grid custom field.

Some of the uses of the allocation grid are for commissions when there is a small sales team and to proportion revenue among departments. For example, you might split revenue 60/40 or 50/50, regardless of users who performed the revenue. The allocation grid has the ability to split transactions across the assigned percentages within summary reports.

Allocation grid custom fields have the following additional properties:


To enable the Allocation Grid Custom Field Type optional feature, contact OpenAir Customer Support.

See Creating and Modifying Custom Fields for more details.

For the full list of types, see Custom Field Types.

Allocation grid custom field properties form.