Testing and Debugging

User selection in theScripting Studio tools and settings pane.

From the Scripting Studio Tools and Settings you must specify a test user. You can determine if your script is running in Test mode within your script by calling NSOA.context.isTestMode().


Calls to NSOA.meta.log(severity, message) with a “debug” or “trace” severity are only executed in Test mode and do not consume Scripting Governance units but are limited to a maximum of 1000 per script.

If you are seeing a problem that is only happening with a particular user you can select that user to be the one that the test code runs for.

To set a test user

  1. Select the user from the drop-down list.

  2. Click on SAVE.


    The named user will also be able to access error debug detail.

For more information about Testing & Debugging, see Testing Form Scripts.