Scripting Workflow

User scripting development, testing and deployment workflow.

* Edit is actioned by clicking the script link and saving from the Scripting Studio

A color coded status indicator shows the position of the script in the scripting workflow:

Depending on the scripts status in the workflow a list of options are available by clicking on the status.



Inactive status dropdown field value on gray color background.
  • Test — Prompts for test settings and on SAVE moves the script to In testing.

  • Delete — Prompts for confirmation and on OK deletes the script code and all associated history.

  • View history — see View history.

  • Click the script link to make changes in the Scripting Studio. On SAVE the script moves to In testing.

"In testing" status dropdown field value on blue color background.
  • Deploy — Prompts for confirmation and on SAVE moves the script to Active.

  • Disable testing — Prompts for confirmation and on OK moves the script to In active.

  • Manage libraries — see Manage libraries.

  • Manage parameters — see Manage parameters.

  • View history — see View history.

  • Export solution — see Creating Solutions.

  • Click the script link to make changes in the Scripting Studio. On SAVE the status in not changed.

Active status dropdown field value on green color background.
  • Revise — Prompts for a new JS file with the required content and then launches the Scripting Studio with this new content. On SAVE the script is moved to Active: revising.

  • Undeploy — Prompts for confirmation and on OK moves the script to In testing.

  • View history — see View history.

  • Create solution — see Creating Solutions.

  • Click the script link to make changes in the Scripting Studio. On SAVE the script moves to Active: revising.

"Active: revising" status dropdown field value on orange color background.
  • Deploy changes — Prompts for confirmation and on SAVE moves the script to Active.

  • Discard changes — Prompts for confirmation and on OK moves the script to Active ignoring any changes made.

  • Manage libraries — see Manage libraries.

  • Manage parameters — see Manage parameters.

  • Undeploy — Prompts for confirmation and on OK moves the script to In testing.

  • View history — see View history.

  • Create solution — see Creating Solutions.

  • Click the script link to make changes in the Scripting Studio. On SAVE the script moves to Active: revising.