Web Services Log Details Report

This feature adds the ability to include web service requests and responses within the application. This will help troubleshoot any API requests that fail.

To enable this feature, contact OpenAir Customer Support.


This feature includes an optional component, which may be enabled to help troubleshoot any issues with the add-on services provided by OpenAir.

If you are using Web services log reports to track your API usage limits, note that API requests made by OpenAir Mobile apps, OpenAir Integration Manager and other OpenAir add-on services do not count toward your usage limits.


The Web services log report feature has the following limitations:

  • If you do not use this feature for more than 30 days, the feature is disabled and the log entries are deleted.

  • Log entries are retained for 7 days only, then they are purged from the database.

Example of web services log report.