Installing Projects Connector

To exchange project information between the Projects module and Microsoft Project, install Microsoft project and then install the Projects Connector. The OpenAir toolbar is added to the Microsoft Project toolbar.

To download and install Projects Connector:

  1. Log in to your OpenAir account. Go to Administration > Global Settings > Account > Integration: Add-on services. Locate Projects Connector.

  2. Click the Download link.

  3. Click Save File and specify a location.

    When download is complete, the download complete message displays.

  4. Locate OpenAirProject.exe and double-click on it.

    A security warning may appear. Accept the program.

    The Setup - OpenAir Projects Connector screen appears.

    Projects Connector Setup Wizard
  5. Click Next.

    The License Agreement appears.

  6. Click the I accept the agreement radio button.

  7. Click Next.

    The Select Destination Location window appears. Accept the location or change it.

  8. Click Next.

    The Ready to Install screen appears, showing the Destination location and Additional tasks, if there are any.

  9. Click Install.

    An information window with README.TXT appears.

  10. Read the document and click Next.

    The Completing the OpenAir Projects Connector Setup Wizard window appears.

  11. Click Finish.

    An OpenAir dropdown list is added to the Microsoft Project toolbar. A message will appear when you open Microsoft Project, confirming that the OpenAir ToolBar was added.

    Dialog confirming that the OpenAir toolbar was added to Microsoft Project add-ins.