Task Types

In Microsoft Project, there are three different task types: fixed units, fixed work, and fixed duration. According to Microsoft Project documentation, the task type determines how units, duration, and work interact as defined in the table that follows.

In a...

If you revise units...

If you revise duration...

If you revise work...

Fixed units task

Duration is recalculated

Work is recalculated

Duration is recalculated

Fixed work task

Duration is recalculated

Units are recalculated

Duration is recalculated

Fixed duration task

Work is recalculated

Work is recalculated

Units are recalculated

In OpenAir, all tasks behave like Microsoft Project fixed units tasks. If you change the units, i.e., the percentage of time a resource is assigned, OpenAir recalculates the duration. While duration cannot be directly changed in OpenAir, if you have an internal setting enabled, you can input planned hours for each user assigned to a task in addition to the percentage of time. This is similar to the adjustments that can be made to a resource's work hours in the Microsoft Project resource usage view.