
Links are provided to forms for the following settings and configurations. They are located in Administration > Global Settings under Reports. The following lists them in the order in which they display on the Global Settings window.

Custom Calculations Overview

OpenAir comes with several standard value fields, but you may find that there are other values you would like to track such as fields related to projects, employees, resources, and expenses to name a few. Or, there may be some standard value fields that you would like to rename for reporting purposes, using your company's terminology. OpenAir addresses your needs by allowing you to create custom calculated fields and renamed built-in fields.

Custom calculations overview list view.

To access Calculated Fields:

  1. Go to Administration > Global Settings > Reports > Custom Calculations. Select the type of calculated field link you wish to use.

  2. To view or modify an existing calculated field, select the appropriate field link under the Title column.

  3. To add a new calculated field, select New and one of the options available in the drop‑down list.

Refer to the following sections for more information.

Custom Calculations

The Custom calculations option lets you define additional value fields for specific objects within OpenAir. Custom calculated field values are only displayed in Summary reports. When selecting what type of custom calculated field to make, the drop-down selection under the New menu corresponds to the type of summary report the calculation will be found in after it is made. For example, if you select an Account-wide project custom calculation, the resulting calculation can be found when you create a report from the account-wide projects section of summary reports. You are also able to use custom detail fields as constants in Custom calculations.

Calculated fields allow you to take two value fields and apply an operation on one from the other such as Expenses Approved minus Expenses Submitted. When a custom calculated field is created and associated with an object in OpenAir, it cannot be changed to another object. See Custom Calculations Overview.

When you create custom calculations, you need to decide on the main value you want to use in the custom calculation. For example, do you want to use money values related to Invoices or hours related to Timesheets, or both? This decision helps you determine whether you are choosing an Account‑wide custom calculation or a application-specific custom calculation. The Account‑wide selection provides the most flexibility in creating custom calculations. The entity determines where the value is stored in OpenAir.

Custom calculations form.

To create a Custom calculation:

  1. Go to Administration > Global Settings > Reports > Custom Calculations.

  2. Select the custom calculation type from the Create Button.

    The New custom calculation form displays.

  3. Next, decide on the Left operand, Operation and Right operand. Operation values include: plus, minus, times and divided by.

  4. The Title is the name you provide for the custom calculated field. The custom calculated field title is automatically prepended with the entity name (e.g., Employee - Invoiced hours).


    The Do not automatically prepend module name to title in account-wide report box is only available when selecting Account-wide custom calculations. When checked, the entity name does not appear in the name of the custom field when selecting it as a value in the Summary reports.

  5. A description may be added.

  6. An Active custom calculation box is available.

  7. Click Save.

Custom Detail Fields

The Custom detail fields option lets you define additional value fields for specific objects within OpenAir. You can display Custom detail field values in Detail reports.

Custom detail fields allow you to create a new value field from standard value fields within a particular application. When a custom detail field is created and associated with an object in OpenAir, it cannot be changed to another object. You can bring custom detail fields in as separate columns in summary reports.

You need to select the entity value you want to use from the New drop-down list. For example, are you creating a custom field based on the Project stage or Booking? The entity determines where the value is stored in OpenAir.

Custom detail fields form.

To create a Custom detail field:

  1. Go to Administration > Global Settings > Reports > Custom Calculations.

  2. Click the Custom detail fields link.

  3. Select the new custom detail field type from the Create Button.

    The New custom detail field form displays.

  4. Next, choose the Function. Function choices include: AVERAGE, CONCATENATION, CONSTANT, DATE_DIFF, DIFFERENCE and SUM. Not all function types are available for the various application entities. For example, if the entity is a text field, your function choices are limited to CONCATENATION and DATE_DIFF.

  5. The Title is the name you provide for the custom detail field.

  6. Depending on the application entity chosen and the function, the form varies:

    • If the function is AVERAGE, an Available numeric area displays where you can select the numeric values to be used in the average and move them to the Selected numeric area.

    • If the CONCATENATION function is selected, a Text template area displays. You are able to add straight text and use standard field values. To select standard field values, choose the appropriate value from the Field drop-down list. Then copy and paste the value shown in the text box below the drop-down list into the Text template. It may be something like the following: %%approval_history%%

    • If the CONSTANT function is selected, you need to enter the value of the constant. The other argument for the constant function is the Resulting field type. Choices include: hours, days, quantity, and ratio. The constant custom detail fields can be used in custom calculations and in summary reports. This functionality is currently limited to transaction fields, such as Project billing transactions or Time entries.

    • If the DATE_DIFF function is chosen, the arguments area displays Date 1 minus Date 2. Both date fields are drop-down lists with the date fields available for the entity selected.

    • If the function chosen is DIFFERENCE, the arguments area displays Minuend minus Subtrahend. The minuend and subtrahend fields are drop-down lists that contain the numeric data values for the entity selected.

    • If the function is SUM, an available numeric area displays where you can select the numeric values to be used in the sum and move them to the Selected numeric area.

Renamed Built-In Detail Fields

OpenAir gives you the capability to Rename built-in detail fields for reporting purposes, using your company's terminology. You can also bring these Renamed built-in detail fields in as columns on summary reports.

Built-in detail fields form.

To create a Renamed built-in detail fields:

  1. Go to Administration > Global Settings > Reports > Custom Calculations.

  2. Click the Renamed Built-in detail fields link.

  3. Select the standard field that you want to rename from the Create Button.

    The Rename built-in detail field form displays.

  4. The Built-in title drop-down list provides a list of fields available to be renamed that are associated with the entity chosen.

  5. After choosing the Built-in title field, enter the new Customized title. For example, Project owner may now be called Project Manager.

  6. Under Summary Reports detailing options, if desired, select the check box to Suppress Optional 'Summary Report' suffix.

  7. Click Save.

Renamed Built-In Summary Fields

OpenAir gives you the capability to Rename built-in summary fields for reporting purposes, using your company's terminology. You can use these Renamed built-in summary fields in Summary reports.

Ranamed built-in summary fields form.

To create a Rename built-in summary fields:

  1. Go to Administration > Global Settings > Reports > Custom Calculations.

  2. Click Renamed Built‑in summary fields.

  3. Select the summary field that you want to rename from the Create Button.

  4. The Built-in title drop-down provides a list of fields available to be renamed that are associated with the entity chosen. After choosing the Built-in title field, you enter the new Customized title. For example, you can change Project billing hours to Billed Hours.

  5. Select the check box for: Do not automatically prepend application name to title in account-wide reports if you don't want the application name prepended to the title. If you do not select this check box, the calculated field displays in the value selection in summary reports with the application name before it. For example, it could read Timesheets ‑ [NAME OF CALCULATION].

  6. Click Save.

Custom Time Ranges

OpenAir lets you create custom time ranges to use in Summary reports and in Advanced resource reports and Invoice-Income received reports. Each report has a period field that sets the time range for the report. The OpenAir application comes with built-in time periods such as Weekly, Monthly, Annual, etc. Custom time ranges allow for custom periods to be created based on specific company needs (such as a 4-4-5 calendar). When created, they are available for use in time period specific reports. A typical use of custom time ranges is if you report upon a fiscal monthly period that does not coincide with calendar months.

Custom time ranges form.

To create Custom time ranges:

  1. Go to Administration > Global Settings > Reports > Custom Time Ranges.

  2. Select New Custom time range from the Create Button.

  3. Enter the Custom time range name.

  4. Next, add Time period names and Time period start dates. You must have at least two periods and dates, because the last date you enter is actually only used to calculate the end date of the previous period. The end date of each period is set to one day before the start date of the next period. If you do not name each time period, the name defaults to the start and end dates.

  5. If you need to add more periods and dates, click Add Rows and select the number of rows to add.

  6. Click Save.

Enabled features

The Enabled features view lists OpenAir features which can be enabled or disabled by account administrators for each OpenAir application or by OpenAir Customer Support at the account level.

The listed features can be one of the following types:

The view includes the following information for every listed feature:


You must be an administrator or have the View Enabled Features role permission to access the enabled features list.

You must be an administrator or have the View Help Center role permission to click the links and access help topics describing the features.

Enabled Feature List View and OpenAir Help Center

To open the Enabled Feature’s View:

  1. Go to Administration > Global Settings > Reports and click Enabled features.

To sort or filter the list of features:

  1. Click the dropdown list under the column heading to sort or filter by and select an option.

To learn what a feature does:

  1. Click on a feature’s name in the list view to open an OpenAir Help Center article briefly describing that feature.


    This feature requires the OpenAir Help Center feature.

To learn how to request an account-level feature by opening a Support Case:

  1. Click the “Enabled in account” or “Disabled in account” status message.


    This feature requires the OpenAir Help Center feature.

Reporting Options

Reporting options settings provide system-wide controls on the appearance of OpenAir reports and functions available in the Reports application. The Reports application also contains an Options tab which has other settings that affect the appearance of reports. See Reporting Options.

Reporting option list view.

To access the Reporting options:

  1. Go to Administration > Global Settings > Reports > Reporting Options.

Summary report forex conversions (multicurrency) and employee loaded cost determination observe the 'date to use' value: Selecting this option enables the dates specified in the date to use drop-down lists in Summary reports to determine the correct rate to use in foreign currency conversions on a report. Employee-loaded costs in foreign currencies are also forced to use the rate found on the date to use date.

Summary report user loaded cost determination observe the 'date to use' value: Enable this setting to have loaded cost get its loaded_cost value from the 'date to use' setting. Without this feature, for accounts that leveraged the “Summary report forex conversions (multicurrency) and user loaded cost determination observe the ‘date to use’ value” feature, the date used applies to both the loaded cost report values as well as the forex conversions. The date selected will be used as the reference for when a report value uses a loaded cost value as well as report values that use forex conversions.


When this feature is enabled, users can choose to only apply the ‘date to use” value to either the forex conversion or the loaded cost values.

Show projected billing values in summary reports. Calculated as hours times employee's default billing rate: Projects-projected billing fields if multi-currency are available in Summary reports. The hours used in the computation of the field are determined by the charge projection feature activated within the Project Application Options tab. The charge projection feature by default uses the defined hours as virtual timesheets and forecasts financials based on existing billing rules on the project. When you select this check box , it overrides the charge projection feature value by using the employee's hourly billing rate value instead of any rate defined on billing rules.

Show date and timestamp on reports: Checking this option displays a Generated on date timestamp at the bottom of each report.

Show filter set on downloaded reports: If you are using Filter sets to limit or narrow access to various data values, i.e., a set of customers or employees, this option displays the filter set on the report to clarify the content presented.

Enable date range detailing: Selecting this option enables new date ranges available within custom detail calculations using the Date_Diff function. When enabled, the Date_Diff function can use date ranges such as Today, Last week, and This Month. For example, a custom detail calculation field called Days to Completion would be calculated as Calculated finish date minus Today.

Hide the 'Drill down' reports tab: Drill down reports allow reporting with hierarchies and a drill down capability into the various levels of the defined hierarchy. If you are not using hierarchies, it is recommended to hide the drill down tab since no additional capabilities are available to report employees.

Disable the FTE forecast summary report values which use job code-specific FTE generics: The FTE forecast summary report calculates amounts based on the loaded cost for the Job code. If a generic resource is selected on the job code, costs are calculated on projects that have a generic resource assigned using the work schedule. Choosing this option prevents these costs from being calculated for generic resources and possibly skewing the data presented in the report.

In historical utilization calculations, the task type for filtering, subtotaling and detailing is sourced from the project's task instead of the timesheet's task: When calculating historical utilization, by default the Task type value is taken from the timesheet. If this option is selected, the current task type value from the task is used in the calculation instead of that from the timesheet.

Enable Purchase date filters on summary reports: Selecting this option provides a number of date filters to be available for Purchases data in the Summary reports form.

Enable Invoices date filters on summary reports: Selecting this option provides a number of date filters to be available for Invoices data in the Summary reports form.

Enable Timesheets date filters on summary reports: Selecting this option provides a number of date filters to be available for Timesheets data in the Summary reports form.

Enable Expense reports date filters on summary reports: Selecting this option provides a number of date filters to be available for Expense report data in the Summary reports form.

Enable custom field date filters on summary reports: Selecting this option provides a date filter for Custom date fields that you have created for your company to be available in the Summary reports form.

Enable custom field date filters on detail reports: Selecting this option provides a date filter for Custom date fields that you have created for your company to be available in the Detail reports form.