
Products are items you purchase from vendors. A product must exist to use the Purchase request or PO functionality within the Purchases application. Products may also be rebilled or invoiced to your customer and therefore need to be available as a type of billing rule on projects and also as a revenue recognition rule in the Projects application. They also may be used as a invoice charges in the Invoices application.

When you set up products in OpenAir, consider your company's requirements to distinguish between specific products. You may choose to set up generic products like cell phones, travel, or computer. Or, you may choose to be more specific on the type of products you allow to be purchased for your company such as Blackberry 8830 or Dell Inspirion E1705. To allow more flexibility and less maintenance, setting up products that are more generic enables accurate data capture while not restricting the company from evolving as new products are approved and old products are retired.

If you are using the Purchases application to also procure vendor services, you also need to set up products related to services provided such as Consulting, Programming, and Web Design.

To set up a product:

  1. Go to Administration > Application Settings > Purchases > Products.

  2. Select New Product from the Create Button.

  3. Enter the Product name. You can choose a Manufacturer from the drop-down list and identify the Manufacture's part number in the fields provided.

  4. Choose the Preferred vendor (if available), the Preferred vendor's SKU number, Standard price, Currency if using multi-currency, and Unit measure.

  5. Check the Taxable product box if applicable.

  6. Check the Active product box.

  7. Add any Notes on this product, if desired. Click Save.


Only the name is required to create a product. Any other fields entered on the product record auto-populate related fields on a purchase request or purchase order in the Purchases application.

Products form