Oracle Database Update FAQ

See the following for answers to common questions about the Oracle Database Update.

What is the Oracle Database Update?

We are updating NetSuite to Oracle’s latest database multitenant architecture.

Why are we doing this update?

This update will place each customer’s data in their own database. This change will increase performance consistency in the short term, improve overall performance in the long term, and allow customers the flexibility to schedule more future maintenance types at their discretion.

Will this update require accounts be taken offline?

Accounts will be offline for 1 to 4 hours. Customers will receive a notification with details about the timing of their update closer to the day it is scheduled to occur.

Can I reschedule my Oracle Database Update maintenance?

Yes. If you need to reschedule the Oracle Database Update maintenance for your account, go to Setup > Company > Customer-Scheduled Maintenance to select a new date and time for your maintenance.


Not all database maintenances can be rescheduled. For example, host level maintenances cannot be rescheduled.

For more information about Customer-Scheduled Maintenance and which maintenances can be rescheduled, see Customer-Scheduled Maintenance.

Will I see any differences after the update?

There will be no changes to account behavior after the account is updated.

Where do I go if I have questions?

If you have additional questions, please reach out to your Account Manager or contact NetSuite Customer Support.

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