Add a Printer

You can set up a printer to print reports.

If you want to print checks on a remote printer, configure your print server with a SSL certificate supported by Fusion Truststore. Ensure that your server presents the entire certificate chain during the SSL handshake process. Test and verify that check printing works. In case check printing fails, review the print server logs. If the failure occurs during SSL handshake, then verify your print server configuration and make the necessary corrections.

  1. From the Administration page, under Delivery, select Printer, and then click Add Server.
  2. Enter the server name and URI of the printer.
  3. Optional: If your printer or print server doesn't support printing PDF, enter a filter to call a conversion utility to convert the PDF to a file format supported by your specific printer type.
    • PDF to PostScript

    • PDF to PCL

    Use the PDF to PCL filter only if you have a requirement to select fonts for printing check using embedded PCL command. For generic printing requirements, use the PDF to PostScript filter.
  4. Enter the user name, password, authentication type (Basic, Digest), and encryption Type (SSL).
  5. Optional: In the Access Control section, deselect Public.
  6. From the Available Roles list, select one or more roles you want to provide access to the delivery channel, and click Move to add them to the Allowed Roles list.
  7. Click Apply.