Data Model Properties

The Runtime Configuration page lists the values of the data model properties. The values of the data model properties depend on the compute shape used for your instance.

Property Description Default
Maximum data size limit for data generation Limits the size of XML data that can be generated by executing a data model. 500MB
Maximum sample data size limit Limits the size of a sample data file that can be uploaded from the data model editor. 1MB
Enable Data Model scalable mode Prevents out of memory conditions. When set to true, the data engine takes advantage of the disk space while processing data. True
Enable Auto DB fetch size mode Avoids out of memory conditions, but can significantly increase the processing time. This setting is recommended only for frequently processing complex queries of hundreds of columns. When set to true, the database fetch size is set at runtime according to the total number of columns and the total number of query columns in the dataset. Ignores the DB fetch size setting. This property overrides the data model-level database fetch size properties. True

DB fetch size

Limits the database fetch size for a data model. This property value takes effect only when Enable Auto DB fetch size mode is set to False. 20 (rows)

SQL Query Timeout

Specifies the timeout value for SQL queries for scheduled reports.

600 seconds

Enable Data Model diagnostic

Writes the dataset details, memory, and SQL processing time information to the log file when set to true. Oracle recommends setting this property to true only for debugging purposes. If you enable this property, the processing time is increased. False

Enable SQL Session Trace

Writes a SQL session trace log to the database when set to true for every SQL query that's processed. A database administrator can examine the log. False
Enable SQL Pruning Reduces the processing time and the memory usage, if you enable this property. Applies only to the Oracle Database queries that use Standard SQL. If your query returns many columns but only a subset are used by your report template, SQL pruning returns only those columns required by the template. SQL pruning is not applicable for PDF, Excel, and E-text template types. False
Enable Data Chunking Enables XML data chunking for individual data models, reports, and report jobs, if you set this property to true.

If you set this property to true, specify an appropriate value for the Data Chunk Size property to process large and long-running reports.

Data Chunk Size Specifies the data size for each data chunk. Applies only when the Enable Data Chunking property is set to true. 300MB
DV Data Row Limit Limits the number of rows that can be retrieved from a dataset. 2000000
Trim Leading and Trailing Spaces From Parameter Value Trims the leading and trailing spaces from the parameter values of data models. True
Exclude Line Feed And Carriage Return for LOB Excludes carriage returns and line feeds in the data, if you set this property to true. False
Enable SSL for webservice, HTTP Datasource Supports SSL connection for webservice and HTTP data source, and automatically imports the self-signed SSL certificate from the server, if you set this property to true. If the certificate isn't self-signed, use Upload Center to upload the SSL certificate, and use the uploaded SSL certificate to configure the connection. False