Open-Source Fonts Replace Licensed Monotype Fonts

In Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence, Oracle has replaced Monotype fonts with open-source fonts in PDF reports in Oracle Analytics Publisher, analyses, and dashboards.

The Go Noto font is the default fallback font for PDF reports in Oracle Analytics Publisher, analyses, and dashboards. Test the open-source fonts in your reports and correct the formatting in the report templates.

What do I need to know about fonts in reports?

The following table lists the replacement for Monotype fonts in Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence.

Monotype Fonts Replacement Fonts
Monotype Albany fonts Google Noto fonts
Monotype Barcode fonts Libre Barcode fonts

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence reports use the Go Noto font as the fallback font for PDF reports to support non-English languages and some special characters of English and Western European languages. The system uses the fallback font when the default PDF fonts (such as Helvetica, Times Roman, and Courier) or user-provided fonts can’t render the characters included in the data while generating the PDF output.

Use Libre Barcode fonts to generate barcodes.

What can I do now about fonts in my reports?

Oracle recommends that you review all your critical reports and edit the layout to format the reports as required. The impact of replacing the licensed Monotype fonts with the open-source fonts in analyses reports and dashboards is expected to be minimal because these reports don’t include pixel-perfect layouts.

The Google Noto fonts and the Monotype Albany fonts are similar; however, there are a few minor differences in the height, width, and weight for characters in some non-English languages. In some cases, these differences might impact the pixel-perfect PDF output. You might have to edit the layout template of these reports to use the Google Noto fonts.

Go Noto font is the default fallback font for analyses, dashboards, and Publisher reports.

Monotype Barcode Fonts Replacement Fonts
128R00.ttf LibreBarcode128-Regular.ttf
B39R00.ttf LibreBarcode39Extended-Regular.ttf
UPCR00.ttf LibreBarcodeEAN13Text-Regular.ttf