RTF Output Properties

Configure RTF output files by setting the properties described in the table below.

Property Name Description Default

Enable change tracking

Set to "true" to enable change tracking in the output RTF document.


Protect document for tracked changes

Set to "true" to protect the document for tracked changes.


Default font

Use this property to define the font style and size in RTF output when no other font has been defined. This is particularly useful to control the sizing of empty table cells in generated reports. Enter the font name and size in the following format <FontName>:<size> for example: Arial:12. Note that the font you choose must be available to the processing engine at runtime. See Define Font Mappings for information about installing fonts and for the list of predefined fonts.


Enable widow orphan

Set to "true" to ensure that the document includes no “hanging paragraphs”. Suppose the last para in a page contains an orphaned line and the remaining lines of the paragraph continue on the next page. With this setting enabled, the starting line of the paragraph moves to the next page to keep all the lines of the paragraph together for improved readability.
