Create the Sub Template Object in the Catalog

Follow these steps to upload the sub template file.

To upload the sub template file:

  1. On the global header click New and then click Sub Template. This launches an untitled Sub Template page.
  2. In the Templates region, click Upload to launch the Upload Template File dialog.
  3. Browse for and select the sub template file.
    • Type: Select xsl for an XSL sub template file.

    • Locale: Select the appropriate locale for the sub template file.

  4. Click Upload.

    The sub template file is displayed in the Templates region as the locale name that you selected (for example: en_US).

  5. Click Save. In the Save As dialog choose the catalog folder in which to save the Sub Template. Enter the Name and click Save.

The Sub Template object is saved with the extension ".xsb". Use the Name that you choose here with the .xsb extension when you import the Sub Template to the report (for example: MySubtemplate.xsb).

Translations are not supported for XSL Sub Templates.