31 Generate CSV Output

This topic describes how to generate a CSV output for large reports.

To output a report that includes millions of rows, select to output the report only in CSV format. When you select only CSV format for the output of a large report, the data processor directly generates the CSV output without generating an XML file, which reduces the likelihood of out-of-memory issues.


To generate the CSV output for a large volume of data, make sure you:

  • Create a dataset using SQL query.

  • Set the Enable CSV Output property in the Data Model Properties page.

  • Select only the Data (CSV) output format for the report.

  • Deselect the Auto Run and Run Report Online options for the report.

  • Deselect the Save Data for Republishing option in the Output tab, if you are scheduling the report.


The data engine cannot generate a CSV output when:

  • You can't use a template to format the CSV output.

    Reports in CSV format are drirectly generated from the data models. The CSV output contains carriage return and line feed characters at the end of each line.

  • The SQL query contains the CLOB/BLOB columns

    When a query includes CLOB columns, the data processor cannot generate the CSV output because the LOB might be XML data or non-structured data. Converting the LOB columns to flatten a CSV format doesn't scale. This type of conversion requires complex code changes that are similar to embedding a formatting engine inside the data engine.

  • Data model has a complex parent-child dataset hierarchy with multiple groups

    When a data model has multiple datasets with complex parent - child links, the data engine cannot generate CSV output.

  • The SQL query contains the DFF/EFF columns

    When a query includes DFF (Descriptive Flexfield) or EFF (Extensible Flexfield) columns, the data processor cannot generate a CSV output. Each DFF or EFF column is treated as a nested sub-group in the query, which results in nested XML data. You can't directly flatten nested XML data to a CSV file.

  • The data model has both SQL and Non-SQL datasets

    When a data model contains a mix of SQL and Non-SQL datasets (Non-Standard datasets such as web service, HTTP, and XML), the data processor cannot generate a CSV output.

  • The data model has a non-standard SQL query

    When a data model has a non-standard query such as a procedure or a function that returns a reference, the data processor cannot directly generate a CSV output. The non-standard queries returning nested XML structure can't be handled inside the data engine.

  • The scheduled report has multiple output formats

    If you select multiple output formats for the scheduled report, the data processor doesn't generate the CSV output.

  • The scheduled report uses bursting

    Splitting and delivering data requires raw XML data. The data engine can't generate the CSV format for bursting reports.