Profile XSLT

You can use Template Viewer to profile XSLT. The XSL template includes time-logging commands that enable time measurements and act as a profiling tool. When you run a template, the log.csv file is generated to record the time for the running of the XSL code.

To profile XSLT in Template Viewer:
  1. Open Template Viewer.
    From the Windows desktop, click Start, then Programs, then Oracle BI Publisher Desktop, then Template Viewer.
  2. Browse and select the working directory.
  3. Select the XML data file and RTF template file to generate XSL.
  4. Select Tools, then Generate XSL file from, then Inject Profiling into XSL.
  5. Select RTF Template to generate XSL.
  6. Select Excel from the Output Format list.
  7. Click Start Processing.
  8. Open the file using Excel.
  9. Note the three areas that consume the most time.