Define the Schedule for a Job

You can define a schedule for executing a report job.

  1. From the Publisher Home page, under Create, select Report Job.
  2. In Schedule Report Job, on the General tab, click search next to the Report field.
  3. In Open, navigate to and select the report, and then click Open.
  4. In Schedule Report Job, click the Schedule tab.
  5. In the Frequency list, select the option to use for this report.
  6. Complete the options for the specified frequency.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. Optional: In Submit, in the Report Job Name field, type a name, and click OK.

Define a Recurrence Pattern

In the Schedule Report Job page’s Schedule tab, define the when the report is run from these recurrence pattern options.

Option Description Values

Defines when to run the report job using the scheduler from the Frequency list.




Use the Run Now option or use the date selector to enter the specific Start date and time



Use the following values:

  • Every - Select Hour(s) or Minute(s) and enter the appropriate integer value for the increment.

  • Start - Use the date selector to enter the date and time to start running this job.

  • End - (optional) Use the date selector to enter an end date and time for this job.



Use the following values:

  • Every - Enter the increment in days, for example, to run the report every day enter 1, or to run the report every other day, enter 2.

  • Start - Use the date selector to enter the date and time to start running this job. The time selected determines when (hour of the day) the job is run.

  • End - (Optional) Use the date selector to enter an end date and time for this job.



Use the following values:

  • Every - Enter the increment in weeks and select the desired day or days of the week. For example, to run the report every Tuesday and Thursday, enter 1, and then select Tuesday and Thursday. To run the report every other Wednesday, in the Schedule tab, select Frequency = Daily, Every =14, Start = first Wednesday when you want to run the report, and End = future end date.

  • Start - Use the date selector to enter the date and time to start running this job. The time selected determines the time that the job is processed for each run.

  • End - (optional) Use the date selector to enter an end date for this job.



Use the following values:

  • Every - Select each month that the job runs.

  • On - Select either a day of the week, for example, 1st Monday of every month; or select a specific day of the month, for example, 15.

  • Start - Use the date selector to enter the date and time to start running this job. The time selected determines the time that the job is processed for each run.

  • End - (Optional) Use the date selector to enter an end date for this job.



Use the following values:

  • Every - Enter the increment in years that the job runs.

  • On - Select either a day in a month, for example, Day 1 of January, or select a day of the week for the month, for example, First Monday of January.

  • Start - Use the date selector to enter the date and time to start running this job. The time selected determines the time that the job is processed for each run.

  • End - (Optional) Use the date selector to enter an end date for this job.


Specific Dates

Use the Add Date option to specify the date and time to run the job. Add multiple specific dates as needed.

Run Now

This option depends on the selection made from the Frequency options.



This option depends on the selection made from the Frequency options.

Specifies the date and time to start the report job.


Use Schedule Triggers

You can associate a job with a schedule trigger that is defined in any data model.

A schedule trigger enables you to execute a report when the trigger condition is met. You can configure one trigger per report job. The schedule trigger that you associate with a report job can reside in any data model in the catalog. You don't need to create the schedule trigger in the data model of the report for which you want to execute the trigger. You can reuse schedule triggers across multiple report jobs.

About Schedule Triggers

A schedule trigger tests for a condition which if met, runs a job.

If the trigger condition returns a result, the specified job runs. If the trigger condition isn't met, the job instance is skipped. You can also set up a repeat schedule for the trigger to keep checking for the condition. If the condition isn't met, you can set the time interval, in minutes, to wait before the trigger is processed again.

You could use a schedule trigger when:

  • A report job should only run after the successful completion of an extract, transfer, and load process.
  • Account management wants a report triggered if any of the receipts from the previous day exceed a specified amount.
  • Human resources needs a report only when new hires entered the system in the previous week.

Set the triggers in the data model and then they're available for selection from the Schedules tab.

Enable a Schedule Trigger

You can enable a trigger defined in the data model.

  1. Select Use Trigger.
  2. Optional: Set the Retry Limit value to specify the maximum number of times to process the schedule trigger to check for the condition. The default value is 1 and only positive integer values are allowed in this field.
  3. Optional: Set the Pause Time value to specify the number of minutes to wait before re-processing the schedule trigger. If the Retry Limit value is set to a value greater than 1, this field is enabled. Only positive integer values are allowed in this field.

    The retry limit and pause time should not exceed the recurrence schedule time interval. If the condition returns false when the maximum number of attempts is reached, then the job status is displayed as Skipped.

  4. Select the Data Model that defines the schedule trigger.
  5. Select an option from the Trigger list.
  6. If the schedule trigger includes parameters, select values to use.