Edit Jobs

You can search for report jobs in the Manage Report Jobs page and edit a job.

When you edit a one-time job or a recurring job, you can't change the start date to a past date, but you can edit other job details in the General, Output, Schedule, and Notification tabs even though the scheduled start date is a past date.

  1. On the header, click Open, and then click Report Jobs.
  2. In the Manage Report Jobs page, do one of the following:
    • Click the Edit icon for the job in the results table.
    • Click the Report Job Name to view the detail page for the report job, and then click the Edit icon next to the report job name.
  3. Edit the job details using the General, Output, Schedule, and Notification tabs.
  4. Click Update Job to save your changes to this job or, to save the edited job as a new job, click Save as New and enter a name for the new report job.