FAQs to Publish Data

This topic provides answers to frequently asked questions about publishing data.

Where do I save my reports, data models, templates so that only I can access them?

Use My Folders as your personal storage. Only you can access the objects you stored in My Folders.

How do I configure a default printer?

Set your preferences for your account in the My Account dialog.

How do I cancel the jobs scheduled in Publisher?

Navigate to the Jobs History page, locate the job you want to cancel, and then click Cancel.

How do I schedule a job to burst reports to multiple destinations?

  1. Make sure the administrator has configured the connections to data source connections and delivery channels.
  2. Create a data model for the report.
  3. Define bursting in the data model.
  4. Use an appropriate report template and design the report layout.
  5. View the report in Report Viewer.
  6. When you schedule the bursting job, specify the output formats, bursting query, and the delivery destinations.

How do I apply the changes I made to my preferences?

In Publisher, if you changed your preferences such as time zone and locale, you can immediately apply the changes in your Publisher session.

  1. Append the &relogon=1 parameter to the end of the page URL and re-load the page.
  2. Log out of Publisher and log in again.

How do I download Publisher Reports as PDF?

You might be unable to download Publisher reports as PDF in Chrome browsers due to the way that the PDF plug-in handles embedded content in iframes.

You have the following options to download reports as PDF:

  • Click Print to download a report as PDF.
  • Display the report in another browser such as Firefox and download it from there.
  • Click Export or click Share Report Link (use _xpt=1 parameter) to download the report directly.

How do I run or schedule Publisher reports that use Oracle BI EE as their data source?

If you want to run or schedule Publisher reports that use Oracle BI EE as their data source, you need access to the Oracle BI EE data source connection.

Take the following steps:

  1. Sign in with administrator access.
  2. Edit the connection for the Oracle BI EE data source.
  3. Move the BI Consumer role from the Available Roles list to the Allowed Roles list.
  4. Click Apply.