Define Assessment Mappings for Scorecards

Use the Assessment Mappings tab of the Settings dialog to define the assessment mappings for a scorecard.

  1. Edit the scorecard for which you want to define assessment mappings.
  2. Click the Scorecard Settings button in the Scorecard editor.
    The Assessment Mappings tab of the Settings dialog is displayed.
  3. In the Score Threshold fields, enter the numeric values that set the boundaries for the assessment ranges.
    Accept scores automatically assigned by the KPI editor, which are based on the number of thresholds.

    For example, you might enter 33 and 66 to set the boundaries for three assessment ranges — Critical, Warning, and OK. Any KPI score from 0 to 33 would fall in the Critical assessment range, any KPI score from 34 to 66 would fall in the Warning assessment range, and any KPI score from 66 to 100 would fall in the OK assessment range.

  4. In the Assessment Range boxes, specify the name of each assessment range (for example, Critical) and, for each range, specify the icon and the color to be used to represent the range.
  5. Click OK.