FAQs for Analyses and Dashboards

This topic provides answers to some frequently asked questions when using analyses and dashboards.

Is there a maximum image size that will display in analyses and dashboards?

You can display images that are less than 32kb in size. If an image is greater than 32kb then it won’t display.

Do I need to create copies of predefined reports and analyses for each user?

No, you don't need to create multiple versions of the same analysis or report for different users. When you view an object, it includes only the data that you have permission to view from your data security profile.

What are subject areas, dimensions, attributes, facts, and metrics?

Information for your analytics is grouped into related functional areas called subject areas that contain fact and dimension folders with metrics and columns you can add to your analyses.

Dimension folders include the grouping of dimensional attributes for the subject area. Columns (such as date of birth or name) that are grouped for a dimension are known as attributes. Fact folders contain formulas for getting calculated numeric values, such as counts, sums, and percentages.

What's the relationship between dimensions and fact in a subject area?

A subject area is based around a single fact. The dimensions are all related to each other through the fact only. The fact is automatically included in any query that's created, even if none of the measures in the fact appear in the analysis.

What's a common dimension?

A common dimension is shared across multiple subject areas. For example, Time, Department, and Location are common dimensions. When constructing a cross-subject area analysis, only common dimensions can be used.

How can I determine which dimensions are shared across two subject areas?

If the dimensions exist in both subject areas, they're common dimensions, and are often among the first folders in a subject area. You can join any subject areas you have access to in Answers, but analyses are subject to the normalized data structure. Unless the underlying tables are joined by design, joining subject areas in Answers results in errors.

How can I identify subject areas to create analyses?

All OTBI subject area names end with the words "Real Time".

Can I change the columns in subject areas?

You can use only the available subject areas and their dimensions and facts. The prebuilt data elements are the only ones that you can make use of. You can potentially use BI-enabled flexfields to analyze any column in the transactional tables.

Do analyses query transactional tables to display data?

Analyses run real-time queries of transactional tables through View Objects. Oracle Fusion data security, flexfields, user interface hints, lists of values, and other metadata are delivered through the View Objects.

Why did my agent not translate according to my location preferences?

The translation of your agents depends on how you run them and how the session is established.

If you navigate to the Catalog from the Reports and Analytics work area, the session information doesn't affect translation, so the default location is applied. If you navigate directly to Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence (for example: http://host:port/analytics/saw.dll), the locale (location) settings for your session in My Account are applied to the data.

What's a dashboard?

A dashboard is a container page to display analyses, reports, and other objects. Administrators can create shared dashboards for groups of users with common responsibilities or job functions. Personalized views can be created based on a user's permissions.

What are the row limits in analyses?

Because analyses have row limits, use Publisher when you need to export large amounts of data.

  • There's a limit of 65,000 records for analyses. When you run an analysis that contains more rows than that, the results are limited to 65,000 rows.
  • Exports to Excel are limited to 25,000 rows and 50,000 cells.

Is there a constraint for embedding content in an iFrame?

Yes, the Content Security Policy (CSP) blocks data content in an iFrame because the frame-src directive doesn't permit "data:". Oracle doesn’t allow ":data" for frame-src to avoid security issues.

For example, in the Narrative view of an analysis, you can't include the "data": attribute to embed content.

What is the maximum size for an email?

An email that Oracle.com delivers or accepts from the internet mustn't exceed 15MB. The sum of the sizes of message text, headers, attachments, and embedded images mustn't exceed 15MB.

How do I remove HTML tags that are displayed in an analysis or report?

If a column in an analysis displays unwanted HTML tags, you can change the column's default data format to correctly display the HTML.

  1. Click Edit to edit the analysis containing the column for which you want to remove the HTML tags.
  2. In the Criteria tab, select Column Properties for the required column, then select the Data Format tab.
  3. Select Override Default Data Format and choose HTML in the Treat Text As field, then click OK.