What Are Strategy Maps?

A strategy map shows how the objectives that have been defined for a scorecard and the KPIs that measure their progress are aligned by perspectives.

A strategy map also indicates cause and effect relationships between objectives and other objectives or KPIs with connecting lines. You create cause and effect relationships when you create (or edit) an objective (see Create Objectives) or work with KPI details (see Work with KPI Details). You also can create cause and effect relationships in a strategy map.

The illustration shows an example of a strategy map.

You can create multiple strategy maps to represent the strategy of different areas of your organization.

You can create strategy maps in Edit mode only. See Use the Edit and View Modes in the Scorecard Editor.

Ensure that associated objectives and KPIs relate to each other and identify cause and effect relationships. Review these relationships periodically to identify areas that might need improvement to increase collaboration and communication, thus impacting existing objectives and KPIs.

See Create Strategy Maps.