What Is BI Composer?

BI Composer is a simple-to-use wizard that allows you to create, edit, or view analyses without the complexities of the Analysis editor.

There are two modes in which BI Composer is available — regular mode and accessibility mode. Accessibility mode has the same functionality as regular mode but is optimized for use with screen reader applications such as JAWS. It makes it easier for users with accessibility needs to create, edit, and view analyses.


Visual cues, such as icons or check boxes, displayed on a wizard page in accessibility mode are the same as displayed in regular mode. Even though the list of text-based wizard page links is not displayed on a wizard page in accessibility mode, screen reader applications such as JAWS are able to read them.

The main components of the BI Composer wizard are:

  • At the top of the wizard is the BI Composer train, which contains buttons for each step in the wizard.

  • On the left are the Catalog and Subject Areas tabs. These tabs are available only when BI Composer is part of an ADF application or Oracle WebCenter Portal Framework application or WebCenter Portal.

  • To the right of the tabs is the panel area, where the components for each step are displayed.

  • To the far right are the Back, Next, Finish, and Cancel buttons.