Setting Up Currencies

Set up currencies for the Predictive Cash Forecasting application.

Predictive Cash Forecasting performs currency translations from the input currency to the reporting currency.

To set up currency in Predictive Cash Forecasting:

  1. During application creation, select a main currency against which the entire application will refer to when a currency conversion is done.

    The Currency dimension is created, which stores input and reporting currencies.

  2. After the application is created, in the Currency dimension, create a Currency member for each currency in the application. The Currency members you create are listed under Input Currencies. Data is entered or loaded in an input currency and data can be entered or loaded into multiple input currencies for any given combination; for example Entity and Account.

  3. While creating a Currency member, you can specify whether the currency you're adding is also a reporting currency. Select the Reporting Currency option to make a currency a reporting currency.

    When you select Reporting Currency, a member is automatically added in the Reporting Currencies hierarchy as <Currency>_Reporting.


    Each application has one main currency, and is allowed to have many reporting currencies.

  4. Enter exchange rate data to the exchange rate form that was automatically created and seeded during application creation. The exchange rate form is called Daily Exchange Rate to Main Currency, Weekly Exchange Rate to Main Currency, or Monthly Exchange Rate to Main Currency, depending on how your application was enabled; for example, Daily Exchange Rate to USD. Enter the exchange rates by period for all input currencies against the main currency. Rates can be entered both as average rates or end of period rates. You must enter the values across all intersections under which you want to see the converted data.

    Triangulation calculations perform conversions between any currencies.

  5. Using the Dimension Editor, edit each member in the Entity dimension to tag the entity with a currency to use for the entity (the Entity Currency): Make sure the UDA column is showing, and then select the entity currency to use from the UDA column. This enables the input currency (loaded or adjusted values) to be translated to the entity currency (the reporting currency for the entity) that you defined for each entity.
  6. At this point, the application is ready for you to load data and run the required rules. See the Implementation Checklist for Administrators.
  7. Run currency conversion rules. After data is loaded, and Cash Managers or Controllers make any adjustments in the input currency, you must run currency conversion rules in order to see values in the reporting currency. The input currencies are first converted to entity currencies and then to reporting currencies:
    1. To convert the input currency to the reporting currency based on the currency of the selected entity:

      • In the Daily cube (OEP_DCSH)—Daily Currency Translation to Entity Currency
      • In the Periodic cube (OEP_PCSH)—Periodic Currency Translation to Entity Currency

      For each rule, select the entity or entities, scenario (for example, forecast or actuals), and version to run the rule for. You can run the rule for a specific entity, multiple entities, or all children of a parent entity.

    2. To convert the input currency to the selected reporting currency or currencies:

      • In the Daily cube (OEP_DCSH)—Daily Currency Translation to Reporting Currency
      • In the Periodic cube (OEP_PCSH)—Periodic Currency Translation to Reporting Currency

      For each rule, select the parent entity, scenario (for example, forecast or actuals), and version to run the rule for, and enter the reporting currency to convert values to. You can run the rule for a specific entity, all entities, or all children of a parent entity.

    3. For Controllers to see currency converted data at a higher level in the hierarchy, run a rule to roll up converted data:

      • In the Daily cube (OEP_DCSH)—Daily Rollup Entity
      • In the Periodic cube (OEP_PCSH)—Periodic Rollup Entity

      For each rule, select the parent entity, scenario (for example, forecast or actuals), and version to run the rule for, and enter the currency to convert values to.

  8. Push all of the converted data from the BSO cubes to the ASO reporting cube by running data maps in Data Exchange:
    • Daily Cash to Reporting
    • Periodic Monthly Cash to Reporting