Map/Rename Dimensions

Map or rename existing dimensions, enable custom dimensions, and associate custom dimensions with driver methods. You must perform this configuration task the first time you enable features.

In Map/Rename Dimensions:

  • To enable custom dimensions, click the Enable box next to the dimension. When you first enable features for Predictive Cash Forecasting, you must enable any custom dimensions you will use—Category, Party, Business Unit, and one additional custom dimension.

  • To rename a dimension, click Rename Target Dimension next to a dimension, and enter a new name.

    Do not rename the Bank, Business Unit, and Party dimensions.

  • To associate dimensions with driver methods, click Rename Target Dimension next to a dimension, and then select the driver methods the dimension applies to from the Valid for list. (Driver methods are not available if you didn't enable the associated driver method.)

    Custom dimensions are added to the Page in forms for features to which the custom dimension applies. For example, if a custom dimension is applicable to Expense Payments only, it appears on the Page for Expense Payments forms. In forms for other features, such as Revenue Payments, NoMember for the dimension is on the POV.


    You can't change the association once selected, so select this option only if you are sure, because selecting this option seeds the dimensions in the driver- or trend-based forms.

    You can incrementally associate custom dimensions with additional features after you first enable Predictive Cash Forecasting.