Before you Begin

This 40-minute tutorial shows you how to load and manage existing assets. You import assets using a modified data load template, and then perform tasks used to plan for capital expenses, such as Calculate Assets, Transfer Assets, and Add Improvements. The sections build on each other and should be completed sequentially.


With Capital, you can manage, prioritize, and plan for capital expenses. Capital helps decision-makers and front-line managers communicate throughout the request, justification, review, and approval process.

In general, you plan capital assets in this order:

  1. Set user variables.
  2. Review or enter capital assumptions, including driver-based assumptions for depreciation and amortization, funding assumptions, and other expense assumptions.
  3. Add new capital assets and new asset details, and manage new assets.
  4. Manage existing assets and intangible assets.
  5. Get an overview of Capital financials with dashboards.
  6. Review the financial impact of Capital assets.

The tasks and features you need to perform will depend on what you, the Administrator, enabled.

In this tutorial, you load and manage existing assets. You import assets using a modified data load template, and then perform tasks used to plan for capital expenses, such as Calculate Assets, Transfer Assets, and Add Improvements.

What Do You Need?

An EPM Cloud Service instance allows you to deploy and use one of the supported business processes. To deploy another business process, you must request another EPM Enterprise Cloud Service instance or remove the current business process.


If you run into migration errors importing the snapshot, re-run the migration excluding the HSS-Shared Services component, as well as the Security and User Preferences artifacts in the Core component. For more information on uploading and importing snapshots, refer to the Administering Migration for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud documentation.

Reviewing User Variables

User Variables were added when the business process was created. User variables act as filters in forms, enabling planners to focus only on certain members. In this section, you review and set values for user variables.

  1. On the home page, click Tools, and then User Preferences.
    User Preferences
  2. On the left, click User Variables.
    User variables
  3. Review the selected members for each user variable:
    User Variable Member
    Currency USD
    Entity Manufacturing US
    Reporting Currency USD
    Scenario Plan
    Version Working
    Years FY21
  4. On the upper-right of the page, click Home (Home).

Importing Asset Details

In this section, you import asset details into the Asset Detail dimension, which is used to track the details of an asset as an individual asset or a group of assets, depending on the requirement. An asset can be New Owned, Existing Owned, New Leased, or Existing Leased.

  1. On the home page, click Application, and the Overview.
    Application Overview
  2. Click Dimensions.
  3. From the Cube dropdown, select OEP_CPX.
    Select OEP_CPX
  4. Click Asset Detail.
    Asset detail
  5. In Edit Member Properties for Asset Detail, under Asset Detail, expand OCX_Total All, then OCX_Owned Assets and all descendants until level zero members are displayed.
    Display owned assets
  6. Review all level zero members for new and existing assets. Note that there are no assets listed under OCX_Total Existing > OCX_Total Major Assets.
  7. In Edit Member Properties for Asset Detail, click Cancel.
  8. In Dimensions, click Import.
  9. In Import Metadata, click Create.
  10. In the next Import Metadata dialog, for Asset Detail click Choose File.
    Choose file for Asset Detail


    Depending on your browser, the button label may display Choose File or Browse.
  11. Navigate to where you saved CPX_Assets.csv, then select or open it.

    Once selected, it displays as:

    Import file attached
  12. At the top of the dialog, click Import.


    Oracle recommends validating your import file before running the import process. The import file included in this tutorial has been tested and validated.
  13. In Options, select Refresh Database if Import Metadata is successful and click OK.
    Refresh database
  14. At the information message, click OK.
    Information message
  15. Click Close, twice to close both Import Metadata dialogs.
  16. From the cards at the top, click Jobs.
  17. In Jobs, locate the following jobs and verify that they completed successfully:

Importing Assets

You can download data import templates from within the application. The templates are generated based on the features you’ve enabled and the custom dimensions that were added.

In this section, you import assets using a data load file.

Reviewing Data Load Templates

  1. From the cards on top, click Configure.
  2. On the Configure page, select Capital from the dropdown list.
    Selecting Capital

    The Configure page for Capital is displayed.

    Configure page for Capital
  3. Click Actions and select Download Data Load Templates.
    Download Data Load Templates
  4. Save the zip file locally and extract its contents.
    Zip file

    You open the templates in Microsoft Excel and can customize them to specify your business data.


    When customizing templates:
    • Don’t enter zeros.
    • To import data, you must have at least one member from all dimensions in the file to import.
    • Remove columns for which you have no data. For example, if your periodocity is monthly, you can delete columns for Qtrly 1 - 4.
    • If member names start with zeros (0), change numeric columns to text.
    • For 13-period applications, you can customize the templates to include a row for the 13th period.
    • To ensure that your data will import and calculate correctly, import it into a test application first.

Importing Existing Assets

  1. From the cards at the top, click Overview.
    Navigate to Overview
  2. In Application Overview, click Actions and select Import Data.
    Importing Data
  3. In Import Data, click Create.
    Import data dialog
  4. In the next Import Data dialog, accept or select the following options:
    Option Value
    Location Local
    Source Type Default
    File Type Comma Delimited
  5. For Source File, click Choose File.


    Depending on your browser, the button label may display Choose File or Browse.
  6. Navigate to where you saved CPX_Existing Asset Load.csv, then select or open it.

    Once selected, it displays as:

    Import file attached
  7. Accept default selections for the following:
    Option Value
    Include Metadata Selected
    Date Format MM-DD-YYYY
  8. At the top of dialog, click Import.


    Oracle recommends validating your import file before running the import process. The import file included in this tutorial has been tested and validated.
  9. At the information message, click OK.
    Information message
  10. Click Close, twice to close both Import Data dialogs.
  11. From the cards at the top, click Jobs.
  12. In Jobs, locate the Import Data job and verify that it completed successfully:
    Import Data
  13. On the upper-right of the page, click Home (Home).

Managing Existing Assets

Calculating Assets

In this section, you review the assets you imported and launch Calculate Assets to calculate asset costs, as well as depreciation.

  1. On the home page, click Capital, and then Existing Assets.
    Go to Existing Assets
  2. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Manage Assets (Manage Assets).
    Go to Manage Assets
  3. In the POV, select the following and click Go (Go).
    Dimension Member
    Asset Class Buildings
    Project No Project


    The imported Site Office asset is listed on the form.

    Site office asset
  4. Change the Purchase Date and In Service Date year to 2021:
    Site office dates
  5. On the upper-right area of the form, click Save (Save).
    Saving form data
  6. At the information message, click OK.
    Information message
  7. Right-click Site Office and select Calculate Asset.

    Launching Calculate Asset runs asset calculations, including depreciation.

    Calculate Asset
  8. At the information message, click OK.
    Information message

    As you add more assets and run calculations, the charts on the dashboard are updated to display how the assets impact Profit and Loss, as well as Cash Flow.

    You can load existing assets and forecast their depreciation for the remaining years.

    Updated dashboard

Transferring Assets

In this section, you transfer an asset from one entity to another.

  1. Right-click Site Office and select Transfer Asset.
    Transferring Assets
  2. In Transfer Asset, verify or set the following values:
    Detail Value
    Transfer From "Manufacturing US"
    Transfer To "Sales US"
    Asset to be Transferred "Site Office"
    Transfer Date 4/1/2022
    Justification Planned Reorg
    Asset Class "OCX_Buildings"
  3. Verify your selections and click Launch.
    Transfer Asset dialog
  4. At the information message, click OK.
    Information message

    Notice that, for Site Office, Premature End Date includes the Transfer Date, and Reason Ended states Transfer Out.

    Updated asset
  5. In the POV, set Entity to Sales US and click Go(Go).
  6. Verify that Site Office was moved to Sales US.
    Site Office is now under Sales US
  7. Right-click Site Office and select Calculate Asset.
    Calculate Asset
  8. At the information message, click OK.
    Information message
  9. Review the calculation results on the dashboard.
    Asset calculations on dashboard

Enabling Users to Create Children for an Asset Detail Member

Before you improve an asset, you must select the Enable for Dynamic Children member property for the Asset Detail and specify the Number of Possible Dynamic Children, and then refresh the application.

Enabling an asset for dynamic children splits the asset from one asset to multiple assets. The asset becomes a parent asset. The existing asset detail is loaded to a child under this parent to represent the base asset. All other improvements will be captured as a sibling to this base asset.

In this section, you enable dynamic children for an asset to allow users to create children for that asset.

  1. Click Navigator (Navigator), then under Application, click Overview.
    Go to Application Overview
  2. In Application Overview, click Dimensions.
  3. For Cube, select OEP_CPX.
    Select the OEP_CPX cube
  4. Click Asset Detail.
    Asset Detail
  5. In Edit Member Properties for Asset Detail, right-click the Member Name column header and clear the checkbox for Default Mode.
    Column view

    Clearing Default Mode displays all columns in the grid.

  6. In the Search area, verify that Name is selected in the dropdown, enter Site Office in the textbox, and click Search Down (Search Down).
    Search for Site Office

    Site Office is displayed in the grid.

    Site Office in the grid
  7. Scroll to the right until the Enable for Dynamic Children column is displayed.
  8. For Site Office, set Enable for Dynamic Children to Yes.


    Site Office is the only level zero member displayed, which allows for modifying the value of Enable for Dynamic Children. The cell color for the Enable for Dynamic Children column for Site Office is white.
  9. Click Save.
  10. Click Refresh Database (Refresh Database).
  11. In Refresh Database, under After Refresh Database, set Enable Use of the Application for All Users.
    Refresh database
  12. Click Refresh Database.
  13. In the next Refresh Database dialog, click Refresh.
    Refresh database

    Cube refresh takes a moment to complete.

    Cube refresh status
  14. When the status displays as Succeeded, click Finish.
    Refresh completed
  15. In Refresh Database, click Close.
  16. In Edit Member Properties for Asset Detail, click Cancel.

Adding Improvements to Existing Assets

You can plan for improving assets, such as upgrading an asset, adding floor space, and so on. In this section, you add improvements to the Site Office asset.

  1. Click Navigator (Navigator), then under Capital, click Existing Assets.
    Go to Existing Assets
  2. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Manage Assets (Manage Assets).
  3. Verify the POV, and that Site Office is displayed on the form.
    Manage Assets form
  4. Right-click Site Office and select Improvement.
    Selecting Improvement

    The Improve Asset form is opened with Site Office listed in the grid.

    Improve Asset form
  5. Right-click Site Office and select Improve Asset.
    Improve Asset
  6. In Improve Asset, select or enter the following:
    Detail Value
    Asset Class "OCX_Buildings"
    Asset Detail "Site Office New Floor"
    Description Site Office New Floor
    Priority High
    Asset Units 1
    Asset Rate 12356
    Salvage Value 356
    Capacity UOM Each
    Purchase Date 7/1/2022
    Physical Location Location 1
  7. Verify your selections, and click Launch.
    Improve Asset details
  8. At the information message, click OK.
    Information message

    The improvement is displayed on the form.

    Improve asset form
  9. Close the Improve Asset tab and return to Retirement and Transfers.

    In Retirement and Transfers, the improvement is listed as a child asset of the parent Site Office asset.

    Improvement listed under parent
  10. Right-click Site Office New Floor and select Calculate Asset.
    Calculate asset for Site Office New Floor
  11. At the information message, click OK.
    Information message

    The dashboard is updated to include the planned asset improvement.

    Updated dashboard

Reviewing the Balance Sheet

  1. From the cards on top, click Analysis.
  2. From the vertical tabs on the left, click Balance Sheet (Financial Statements).
    Balance Sheet
  3. In Balance Sheet Summary Analysis, set the Years to FY22.

    The Balance Sheet Summary Analysis is displayed.

    Balance Sheet Summary
  4. Review the calculated expenses for the Site Office New Floor asset on this form. Set the POV dimensions to:
    POV Dimension Value
    Entity Manufacturing US
    Years FY21
  5. From the horizontal tabs at the bottom, click Cash Flow Impacts.
  6. Set the POV dimensions to:
    POV Dimension Value
    Entity Sales US
    Years FY22
  7. Review the Cash Flow Impact Analysis for the Site Office New Floor asset.
    Cash Flow Impact Analysis
  8. From the horizontal tabs at the bottom, click Profit and Loss Impacts.
  9. Review the Profit and Loss Impact Analysis on this page.
    Profit and Loss Impact Analysis

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