
Use the Formula Builder to create freeform formulas to calculate the historical and/or forecast values of input accounts.

Formulas contain:

  • Values, that are constants or account numbers

  • Mathematical Operators

  • Boolean Operators, such as =,=,< >,#OR#

  • Account References and Functions to reference periods, account values or percentages

Formulas calculate from left to right. To calculate expressions first, enclose them in parentheses.


To enter a number, enter the number. For example, enter 10 is literally 10.

To enter an account, enter a v with the account number immediately following. Case-insensitive. For example, "V1040.00.000" and "v1040.00.000" refer to the same account.

Mathematical and Boolean Operators

Operation Description











Use after IF statements:  


Greater than


Less than


Greater than or equal to


Less than or equal to



< >

Not equal


Bitwise and


Bitwise or

Functions Referencing Account Time Periods

Use the following to reference account time periods:

  • vXXXX(argument) —Retrieves account values from another time period. Use absolute or relative period references.

  • Absolute periods by specifying the account and then a period in quotes, or a function in brackets. Examples:

    Example Meaning

    v1030 ( Jan 03 )

    Sales in January 2003

    v1030 ( @firstpd )

    Sales in the first period

  • Relative periods using lead and lag periods. Lead periods follow the current period; lag period precedes the current period.

    Unspecified period types become the current period. Examples:

    Example Meaning

    v1030( -1M )

    Lag one month of Sales

    v1030( +3M )

    Lead three months of Sales

    v1030( -4Q )

    Lag four quarters of Sales

    v1030( +2Q )

    Lead two quarters of Sales

    v1030( -1Y )

    Lag one year of Sales

    v1030( +3Y )

    Lag three years of Sales

    v1030( -1 )

    Lag one of the current period type of Sales


    Lead two months of Sales

Functions For Relative Time Period References

These functions convert time levels. Conversion occurs before other operations:

Table 16-1 Typecasting in Relative Time Period References

Function Description Returns Syntax
@week Converts to a week Week
v350.0.001 (-2(@week)) 
@month Converts to a month Month
 -v350.0.21 (+2q(@month)) - @input 
@qrt Converts to a quarter Quarter
@half Six months Half year
v350.0.001 (-3(@half)) 
@year Year Year