Analyzing Capital Asset Financials

The Capital Analysis Analysis icon component provides predefined analysis dashboards that give you insight into the impact of capital assets on your overall financial performance.

Table 7-4 Analyzing Capital Asset Financials

Task Description
Capital Expenses Summary icon Capital Expenses Summary See an overview of Capital expenses in a dashboard format. See an Expenses Summary and an Asset Summary in grid format.
Capital Financial Statements icon Financial Statements Review the balance sheet, cash flow impacts, and profit and loss impacts of capital assets.
Capital Asset Usage Across Projects icon Asset Usage If you've integrated Capital with Projects, review asset usage summary and asset usage across projects.

To see asset usage in Capital, add equipment costs in Projects, run the Calculate Project rule and then the Roll up Capital rule.

To analyze Capital financials click Analysis Analysis icon and then select the type of analysis to review.

You can drill in to members in dashboard charts to see the level of detail you want. Change members to review by selecting different members from the Point of View.