Planning Revenue and Expense

The Financials Revenue Revenue icon and Expense Expense icon components provide several options to help you plan and forecast:

Table 4-7 Video

Your Goal Watch This Video

Learn about revenue, expense, and income statement planning.

video icon Performing Income Statement Planning in Oracle Enterprise Planning Cloud.

Table 4-8 Building Plans and Forecasts

Task Description Use These Forms More Information
Overview Overview

Review an overview of your financials in a dashboard format.

  • Revenue | Expense
  • Income Statement
  • Rolling Forecast
  • Income Statement Rolling Forecast
Analyzing Financials with Dashboards
driver and trend-based Driver and Trend Based
  • Enter values for the drivers, defined by an administrator, that generate your revenue and expense values.

  • View the actual account values calculated by our drivers, and override the values if they don’t meet my needs.
  • Evaluate the difference between planned or forecast values and historic actuals using different driver trends.
  • Plan, without any internal driver-based logic, at the individual account level by manually entering and adjusting expenses.
  • Driver Based Revenue Planning | Driver Based Expense Planning

  • Driver Based Revenue | Driver Based Expenses
  • Revenue Trends | Expense Trends
  • Trend Based Expense Planning
Specifying Drivers and Trends
Rolling Forecast Rolling Forecast Plan revenue and expenses using a rolling forecast. Use these forms instead of, or in addition to, the forms on the Driver and Trend Based tab.
  • Enter values for the drivers, defined by an administrator, that generate your revenue and expense values.

  • View the actual account values calculated by our drivers, and override the values if they don’t meet your needs.
  • Evaluate the difference between planned or forecast values and historic actuals using different driver trends.
  • Make driver adjustments for rolling forecasts.
  • Make trend adjustments for rolling forecasts.
  • Driver Based Revenue Planning | Driver Based Expense Planning

  • Driver Based Revenue | Driver Based Expenses
  • Trend Based Expenses
  • Driver Adjustment
  • Trend Adjustment
  • Total Revenue | Total Expense
direct entry Direct Entry
  • Enter and adjust account values that aren’t driver-derived.
  • Manually enter rolling forecast values.
  • Enter Revenue | Enter Expenses
  • Enter Revenue Rolling Forecast | Enter Expenses Rolling Forecast
Income Statement Income Statement View your Income Statement. Income Statement, Income Statement - Contribution Margin Viewing Your Income Statement