Planning Using Balance Sheets

The Financials Balance Sheet Balance sheet icon component provides several options to help you plan using balance sheets:

Table 4-10 Balance Sheet Planning

Task Description Use These Forms More Information
Overview Overview

Review an overview of your balance sheet in a dashboard format.

  • Balance Sheet
  • Rolling Forecast
Analyzing Financials with Dashboards
driver and trend-based Driver and Trend Based
  • Setup and adjust drivers that will result in calculated balance sheet accounts.
  • View the actual account values calculated by our drivers, and override values as necessary to balance assets and liabilities
  • Setup and adjust trends that will result in calculated balance sheet accounts.
  • Enter and adjust account values that aren’t calculated by drivers
  • Modify monthly days in period
  • Driver-Based Balance Sheet Planning
  • Driver-Based Balance Sheet
  • Trend-Based Balance Sheet
  • Enter Balance Sheet
  • Days in Period
Specifying Balance Sheet Drivers
Rolling Forecast Rolling Forecast Perform balance sheet planning using a rolling forecast. Use these forms instead of, or in addition to, the forms on the Driver and Trend Based tab.
  • Driver-Based Balance Sheet Planning
  • Driver-Based Balance Sheet
  • Trend-Based Balance Sheet
  • Trend Adjustment
direct entry Direct Entry
  • Enter and adjust account values that aren’t driver-derived.
  • Manually enter rolling forecast values.
  • Enter Revenue | Enter Expenses
  • Enter Revenue Rolling Forecast | Enter Expenses Rolling Forecast


Your Goal Watch This Video

Learn about planning using balance sheets.

video icon Performing Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Planning for Oracle Enterprise Planning Cloud.