Before you Begin

This 30 minute hands-on tutorial shows you how to integrate data between Projects and Workforce in EPM Planning. You learn what you need to set up in both Projects and Workforce in order to push project data to Workforce. The sections build on each other and should be completed sequentially.


The goal with this tutorial is the following:

  • View Job-level input from Projects to Workforce
  • In Workforce, see the utilization of employees across projects, based on assignments, and reassign employees to projects as needed
  • In Projects, review FTE, labor hours and expenses allocated to a project

What Do You Need?

An EPM Cloud instance allows you to deploy and use one of the supported business processes. To deploy another business process, you must request another EPM Enterprise Cloud instance or remove the current business process.

Reviewing Salary Grades

  1. From the Home page, click Workforce, then Compensation Planning. HomePage
  2. In the left vertical tab, click Assumptions Icon .
  3. Click the Salary Grades tab at the bottom. Salary Grades Tab
  4. Review existing Salary Grade data. Existing Salary Grades

Adding Salary Defaults

  1. In the vertical tab, click Defaults. Change the Entity to Manufacturing US.
  2. Defaults Icon.
  3. Review existing default data. To add a Salary Default, right-click and select Add Salary Default.
  4. Add Salary default
  5. In the Add Salary Defaults screen, select a Salary Grade, Job, and Union Code, then click Launch.
  6. Add Salary Default
  7. Click OK. An Operations Analyst was added.
  8. New salary default added

Creating Requisitions for Employees Through New Hire Requisitions

A Hiring Requisition adds placeholder expenses to the workforce budget until someone is hired to fill the requisition. When an employee is hired to fill the hiring requisition, the placeholder hiring requisition expense is transferred to, and associated with, the hired employee. Hiring requisitions functionality is available if these Workforce features are enabled:

  • Granularity type Employee or Employee and Job
  • New Hires option under Workforce Management

  • When workforce demands exceed the number of available employees, you can use New Hires functionality to:
  • Add a hiring requisition to be filled by an employee
  • Change the status of a hiring requisition
  • Associate a hiring requisition with an employee
  • Remove hiring requisitions
  • Calculate the resulting compensation expenses

  • Workforce initially provides 100 blank New Employee Hiring Requisitions, which you can use and then add more when needed.
    1. In the vertical tab, click Manage Employees. In the POV, select Operations US for Entity, and No Project for Project. Click Go.
    2. Manage employees tab
    3. Right-click in the form, then select Add Hiring Requisition.
    4. Add Hiring Req
    5. Enter the following information (click Next when needed):
      • No. of requisitions = 1
      • FTE for each =1
      • Employee Type = Regular
      • Start Year = FY22
      • Start Month = Jan
      • End Year = FY24
      • End Month = Dec
      • Job = Operations Analyst
      • Union Code = Default No Union Code
      • Salary Options = Salary Defaults
      • Comments = Leave Blank

    6. Click Launch. Hiring requisition was added. Click OK.
    7. Add Req Added

    Associating a Hiring Requisition to an Existing Employee

    1. Right-click on Hiring Requisition 1 text, then select Associate Employee.
    2. Associate employee
    3. Click the member selector to select Ross, Dennis (E0022).
    4. existing employee
    5. Click Launch. Click OK.
    6. associate employee successful


    Alternatively, you can load the existing employees FTE data from Configuration.

    Verifing Existing Employees data and running Calculate Compensation

    1. From the Manage Employees vertical tab, click the Existing Employees tab at the bottom.
    2. existing employees tab
    3. Right-click in the form and select Calculate Compensation.
    4. Calculate Comp
    5. If needed, use the Member Selector to select desired members, then click Launch. Click OK.
    6. Calc Comp

    Setting Assumption Rates for Labor in Projects

    1. From the Home Page, click Projects, then Project Summary.
    2. Project Summary
    3. In the vertical tab, click Assumptions, then the Standard Rates for Labor tab.
    4. Standard Rates for Labor
    5. Review and set standard rates for labor here. Change the On Site Standard Billing Rate for Operations Analyst to 125 for FY22 and FY23. Click Save.
    6. Update Rate for Labor
    7. Click the Working Days and Hours tab. Enter the data as noted in the screenshot, then click Save.
    8. Working Days

    Adding Projects

    1. In the vertical tab, click Contract, then Project Details tab.
    2. project details
    3. Right-click in the form, then select Add Project. The Add Project screen is displayed.
    4. Add Project
    5. Enter the following project details (click Next when needed):
      • Project Name = WisconsinEnergy
      • Project Start Date = 1/1/22
      • Project End Date = 12/31/24
      • Project Type = Fixed Price
      • Revenue Recognition = Monthly
      • Revenue Cash Flow = Next Month
    6. Click Launch, then click OK at the Information prompt.
    7. Project Added

    Adding Project Expenses

    1. Click the Expense card.
    2. Expense Card
    3. In the vertical tab, click Driver Based. The Expense Assumptions screen is displayed.
    4. Expense Assumptions
    5. In the POV for Project, select WisconsinEnergy, then click GO Go.
    6. In Line 1, enter the information noted in the screenshot below, then click Save.
    7. Expense Assumptions
    8. Right-click on Line 1, then select Calculate Expenses.
    9. calc expenses
    10. Click OK at the Information prompt, and note the expenses calcuated on the right side of form. Expense data, as well as the FTE and Labor Hours are pushed to Workforce for each project.
    11. calculated expenses

    Analyzing Project Utilization in Workforce

    1. From the Home Page, click Workforce, then Analysis.
    2. Analysis Card
    3. In the vertical tab, click Project Utilization.
    4. Project Utilization
    5. Click on the Review FTE Requirement across Projects tab.
    6. Review FTE
    7. Right-click on Operations Analyst, then select Aggregate.
    8. Run Aggregate
    9. Click OK at the Information prompt. View the FTE requirement for the Operations Analyst, across all projects.
    10. Aggregate
    11. Click the FTE Requirement by Project tab. View the FTE detail by project.
    12. FTE by project
    13. Click the Review Employee Utilization tab. In the POV, change the Years member to FY22, and the Entity to Manufacturing US, and click Go Go. Note how employee Amy Lopez is overallocated.
    14. Over Utilization
    15. Modify Amy's Assignments to be no more than 100%. Click the Employee Assignments tab.
    16. employee assignments
    17. In the POV, select the Employee dimension, then use the Member Selector to select Amy Lopez. Click Go. View the assignments.
    18. employee assignments
    19. Click the Review and Reassign Employees tab. Change the Entity to Manufacturing US.
    20. Reassign
    21. In the Change Employee Assignments form, click the Maximize icon at the far right.
    22. Maximize
    23. In Labor Expense Assumptions, verify the POV as noted in the screenshot below, then change Amy's FTE for the FM IT project to .5. Click Save.
    24. Save
    25. Right-click on Amy Lopez, then click Recalculate Utilization. At the prompt, click OK. Click Restore.
    26. Recalcuate Utilization
    27. Note how Amy is now at 100% allocated starting in July, instead of 150%.
    28. amy lopez

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