Account Types

Account type defines accounts’ time balance (how values flow over time) and determines accounts’ sign behavior for variance reporting with member formulas.

Examples of Using Account Types

Table 12-2 Using Account Types

Account Type Purpose


Cost of doing business


Source of income


Company resource

Liability and Equity

Residual interest or obligation to creditors

Saved assumption

Centralized planning assumptions ensuring consistency across the application

Summary of Account Types

Table 12-3 Summary of Account Types

Account Type Time Balance Variance Reporting
















Saved Assumption



Variance reporting and time balance settings are system-defined; only Saved Assumption is user-defined.

Time Balance Property

Time balance specifies how the application calculates the value of summary time periods.

Table 12-4 Time Balance Properties

Time Balance Property Description Example


Aggregate of all values for a summary time period as a period total.

Jan: 10 Feb: 15 Mar: 20 Q1: 45


Beginning value in a summary time period as the period total.

Jan: 10 Feb: 15 Mar: 20 Q1: 10


Ending value in a summary time period as the period total.

Jan: 10 Feb: 15 Mar: 20 Q1: 20


Average for all the child values in a summary time period as the period total.

Jan: 10 Feb: 15 Mar: 20 Q1: 15


The value set at the parent is filled into all its descendents. If a child value changes, the default aggregation logic applies up to its parent.

Consolidation operators and member formulas overwrite Fill values when the members are recalculated.

Jan: 10; Feb: 10; Mar: 10; Q1: 30

Weighted Average - Actual_Actual

Weighted daily average, based on the actual number of days in a year; accounts for leap year, in which February has 29 days. In the example, the average for Q1 is calculated: (1) Multiply each month’s value in Q1 by the number of days in the month, (2) Sum these values, (3) Divide the total by the number of days in Q1. Assuming it's a leap year, the result is calculated: (10 * 31 + 15 * 29 + 20 * 31) / 91 = 15

Note that this time balance property is only supported for dimensions bound to a block storage cube. Aggregate storage cubes do not support the Weighted Average - Actual_Actual time balance property.

Jan: 10 Feb: 15 Mar: 20 Q1: 15

Weighted Average - Actual_365

Weighted daily average, based on 365 days in a year, assuming that February has 28 days; doesn't account for leap years. In the example, the average for Q1 is calculated: (1) Multiply each month’s value in Q1 by the number of days in the month, (2) Sum these values, (3) Divide the total by the number of days in Q1. Assuming it's not a leap year, the result is calculated: (10 * 31 + 15 * 28 + 20 * 31) / 90 = 15

Note that this time balance property is only supported for dimensions bound to a block storage cube. Aggregate storage cubes do not support the Weighted Average - Actual_365 time balance property.

Jan: 10 Feb: 15 Mar: 20 Q1: 15


Spreading is disabled and the application designer is expected to add customized spreading. For instance, you can feed a value into the period total (Q1) using Groovy rules and it will calculate the summary time periods using the Flow method.



Spreading is disabled and the summary time period is read-only. Disable prevents data from being entered on non-level zero periods. The Flow method is used to aggregate into the period total (Q1), but it won’t spread down to the summary time periods.



  • You can use the Weighted Average - Actual_Actual and Weighted Average - Actual_365 time balance properties only with a standard monthly calendar that rolls up to four quarters.

    For information on how the application calculates and spreads data with the different Time Balance settings, see How Spreading Data Works in Working with Planning.

  • For Custom and Disable time balance properties, the application designer needs to be aware of the storage characteristics of the member that they write to, be it aggregate storage or block storage. For example, you can only save to level zero members in aggregate storage and if you try to save to a dynamic calc member, it’ll be ignored and overwritten when recalculated. Also note that spreading only happens in the grid prior to save, be it automatic or using a Groovy rule. After the grid is saved, normal Essbase behavior will take over with regard to saving and reading data (that is, normal outline math will apply, member formulas, time balance, and so on).

Account Types and Variance Reporting

An account’s variance reporting property determines whether it's treated as an expense when used in member formulas:

  • Expense: The actual value is subtracted from the budgeted value to determine the variance

  • Non-Expense: The budgeted value is subtracted from the actual value to determine the variance

Setting Account Calculations for Zeros and Missing Values

With time balance properties First, Balance, and Average, specify how database calculations treat zeros and missing values with the Skip options.

Table 12-5 Effect of Skip Options When Time Balance is Set to First

Skip Option Description Example


Zeros and #MISSING values are considered when calculating parent values (the default). In the example, the value of the first child (Jan) is 0, and zeros are considered when calculating the parent value, so Q1 = 0.

Jan: 0 Feb: 20 Mar: 25 Q1: 0


Excludes #MISSING values when calculating parent values. In the example, the value of the first child (Jan) is #MISSING, and #MISSING values are not considered when the calculating parent values, so Q1 = second child (Feb), or 20.

Jan: #MISSING Feb: 20 Mar: 25 Q1: 20


Excludes zero values when calculating parent values. In the example, the value of the first child (Jan) is 0, and zero values are not considered when calculating parent values, so Q1 = the second child (Feb), or 20.

Jan: 0 Feb: 20 Mar: 25 Q1: 20

Missing and Zeros

Excludes #MISSING and zero values when calculating parent values. In the example, the value of the first child (Jan) is zero, and the value of the second child (Feb) is missing. Because missing and zero values are not considered when calculating parent values, Q1 = the third child (Mar), or 25.

Jan: 0 Feb: #MISSING Mar: 25 Q1: 25