Additional Supported Application Features

Additional features are supported for application dimensions. You can add children and siblings to Scenario, Version, and Period dimensions, and you can use the cut, paste, expand, and collapse features to work with their dimension hierarchies (see Working with Dimension Hierarchies). You can also use shared members for these dimensions, and can set two pass calculations at the root level for all dimensions. For example, you can:

Table 24-9 Features

Feature More Information

In Scenario and Version dimensions, create hierarchies and use shared members. If you assign children to bottom-up versions, these versions display as read-only parents on forms.

See Setting Up Scenarios and Specifying Versions.

In the Period dimension, create alternate hierarchies and use shared descendants. Data Storage for all time periods can be set to any valid Data Storage value. The Consolidation operator for all time periods, including BegBalance, can be set to any valid consolidation operator. For example, it can be set to + instead of ~ (ignore).

See Working with the Years Dimension and Editing the BegBalance Member.

Turn on two pass calculation at the root level, for example, for Account.


Two pass calculation is ignored on any non-Account member not set to Dynamic Calc. When using this setting, consider the impact on currency conversion scripts.

See Adding or Editing Members.

For attributes, create hierarchies and assign aliases.

See Working with Attributes.


For multicurrency applications, the pre-built currency conversion calculation script doesn't function properly if you change data storage to dynamic for any Scenario, Version, Period, or Years member, or for certain dimension roots (such as Entity, Version, Currency, and custom dimensions). When changing data storage, consider the impact on currency conversion scripts.