Creating Auto Predictions for Forecasts

Create an Auto Predict prediction definition to automate predictions.

To associate calendars and events with Auto Predict prediction definitions, configure calendars and events first. See Configuring Calendars and Events.

To create an Auto Predict prediction definition:

  1. From the Home page, click Application, then click Overview, and then from the Actions menu, select Auto Predict.

    Alternatively, if you are using IPM Insights, from the Home page, click IPM and then click Configure.

  2. Click Create.
  3. On the Types page, enter a name and a description for the Auto Predict definition.

    Additionally, if you are using IPM Insights, select Auto Predict in the Generate Predictions area.

    Then click Next.

  4. On the Select Calendar page, select a calendar to use, and then click Next. When you select a calendar, the Historical Data section and the Future Data section are populated with details from the selected calendar.

    If you don't select a calendar, you can select these options yourself.

  5. On the Define Slice page, define the slice of data to analyze for historical and future data, and then click Save.
    • In the Historical Data section, select the cube and then define the slice of data for the historical data—both actuals and the forecasts provided by the planners. The slice definitions show all the dimensions for the cube, except for the Year and Period dimensions. All members start out with their root member selected.

    • In the Future Data section, select the cube and then define the slice of data for future data. Auto Predict results are stored in this location. You can click Add Best Case Add Worst Case icon to add a definition for the slice of data for the best case and worst case scenarios.

      The prediction interval used to define the Best Case and Worst Case results is defined in Settings for the application and is shared with Predictive Planning. See What Application and System Settings Can I Specify?.

      You can predict at a weekly level in Financials. To predict at a weekly level, when defining the Auto Predict definition, in the Predict section, you must select Specific Period for the Start Period.


      When setting the Start for a prediction, when the start is Specific Period, for the Select Period Member Selector, you can select by substitution variable for the Current Period. In this way, job definitions are updated each time the value for the substitution variable is updated—change the value for the substitution variable and you don't have to edit every job to update the current period. To select for Substitution Variables, in the lower left corner of the Member Selector, select Substitution Variable from the list.
  6. On the Configure page, select whether to include events in the prediction. If you want to define advanced options, click Show Advanced Options. For details on advanced auto predict options, see Configuring Advanced Auto Predict Options.
  7. Click Save.

After defining the Auto Predict prediction, you can run the prediction from the Auto Predict page or from the IPM page, or you can schedule a job to run the prediction automatically. See Running Auto Predict Predictions.

Auto Predict definitions are saved as global artifacts and are backed up with the maintenance snapshot.