Reopening Tasks

In Task Manager, there might be times when users need to reopen a task. Administrators can specify whether to allow open or closed tasks to be reopened.

To allow reopening of tasks:

  1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.

  2. Click the System Settings tab on the left.

  3. Select Reopen.

  4. Set the conditions to allow reopening of a task that is Open with an Assignee or Approver. For Task is Open with Assignee or Approver:

    • Not Allowed: This is the default option and assignees or approvers cannot change the workflow of an open task after it has been submitted or approved.
    • Allowed for all approvers: Allows approvers who have approved a task to return the workflow to themselves.
    • Allowed for all assignees and approvers: Allows an assignee who has submitted a task or an approver who has approved a task to return the workflow to themselves.
  5. Set the conditions to allow reopening closed tasks. For Task is Closed:

    • Not Allowed: This is the default option and users will not be able to reopen a closed task.
    • Allowed for final approver: Allows only the final approver to reopen and return the workflow to themselves.
    • Allowed for all approvers: Allows an approver to reopen and return the workflow to themselves.
    • Allowed for all assignees and approvers: Allows assignees and approvers of a task to reopen and return the workflow to themselves.