Manually Validating Templates

When you generate a schedule from a template, the system automatically validates the template first to check for uniqueness violations, tasks that directly or indirectly depend on each other, or a date-precedence mismatch. For example, you cannot have circular predecessors.

You can manually validate templates. Validation is particularly useful to check for problems after you import tasks into a template from a file.

The validation results show the template names, status, and error messages. You can sort the list of validation results by Template Name or Status.

To manually validate templates:

  1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
  2. Click the Templates icon Templates tab on the left.
  3. From Templates, select one or more templates to validate.
  4. Click Validate icon Validate.

    If no errors exist, the validation results show a "Template is valid" message. If errors exist, it shows the error details.

    Template validation