Column Definitions for Alerts

This section provides the definitions for the Alerts columns.

Table 12-25 Column Definitions - Alerts

Column Name Description
Alerts (Count) Total count of alerts
Alerts Open (Count) Total count of open alerts
Alert Type Type of the alert. Based on the type, you can analyze the types of issues that users encounter during the business cycle and make changes to prevent them in future cycles
Approver 1-10 Approver level
Approver 1-10 (Backup) Backup approver for the alert
Approver 1-10 (Primary) Primary approver for the alert
Approver 1-10 End Date (Actual) Actual end date for each approver level
Approver 1-10 Rejections (Count) Count of alerts rejected by approvers
Assignee Assigned user for the alert
Assignee (Backup) Backup user assigned for the alert
Assignee (Primary) Primary user assigned for the alert
Assignee End Date (Actual) Actual end date for the assigned user
Associated Object Type Type of object associated with the alert
Associated Objects (Count) Total count of the associated objects for the alert
Closed Date Date when the alert was closed
Comments (Count) Total count of comments for the alert
Created By Name of the user who created the alert
Created On Date and time when the alert was created
Description Description of the alert
Duration Defined alert duration
Duration (Actual) Actual alert duration
End Date Effective end date for the alert
ID Unique identifier for the alert
Last Updated By Name of the user who last updated the alert
Last Updated On Date and time when the alert was last updated
Name Name of the alert
Owner Name of the alert owner, which must be a Service Administrator or Power User.
Owner End Date (Actual) Actual end date for the alert owner
Period Period for the alert
Priority Priority assigned for the alert
Start Date Effective start date for the alert
Status Status of the alert
Status (Detailed) Detailed status of the alert
Status (Icon) Status of the alert indicated as icon
Year Year when the alert was created