Creating a FreeForm Application Type

Before you create a FreeForm app, review the important considerations and the reserved words that should not be used as member names in FreeForm apps. See Important Considerations for FreeForm Apps.

Service Administrators can create a FreeForm application type in the following ways:

  • Importing an Essbase outline file or snapshot of a single Essbase cube.

  • Creating an application with a single cube (you can keep it to a single cube or add more cubes later)

  • Creating an application with multiple cubes

To create a FreeForm application type:

  1. On the EPM Enterprise Cloud Service landing page, click SELECT under Planning.
  2. On the Planning landing page, click START under Create a new application.
  3. Enter a Name and Description for the application.
  4. From Application Type, select Free Form.
  5. For Application Setup, select from the following options:
    • Import Essbase OTL/LCM: Creates a FreeForm app from an on-premises Essbase outline file or snapshot. Only one outline or snapshot is allowed. To continue creating a FreeForm app using this application setup option, see Creating a FreeForm App Using an Outline File or Snapshot.

    • Create Cubes: Creates a FreeForm app that uses one or more cubes. Use this option to manually create FreeForm apps based on your own models using custom dimensions. During this process, you can map the custom dimensions that you want to use as Entity, Period, and Account dimensions, and you can also add other custom dimensions to support your model. To continue creating a FreeForm app using this application setup option, see Creating a FreeForm App Using the Application Creation Wizard.


    If creating a FreeForm app with the Create Cubes option in the application creation wizard, an Oracle Essbase outline file or snapshot can no longer be imported into this application. You can still create new cubes at a later time using the web interface. If creating a FreeForm app using the Import Essbase OTL/LCM option in the application creation wizard, new cubes can be created for this application at a later time using the web interface.