Creating Dimensions

Creating a dimension adds it to the list of dimensions in the dimension view.

To create a dimension:

  1. Click Application, click Overview, and then click Dimensions.
  2. Click Create.
  3. On the Create Dimension page, enter or select values for the properties that are displayed.

    For FreeForm applications, you can select the dimension type. Dimension types can include:

    • Account
    • Entity
    • Period
    • Custom

    Notes about dimension type:

    • A dimension type is not listed if you've already created it (for Account, Entity, Period) or if you've exceeded the maximum number of dimensions (for Custom).
    • You can't edit the dimension type after you've created the dimension.

    For descriptions of the properties, see Editing Member Properties.

    For information about editing dimensions, see Editing Dimensions in the Simplified Dimension Editor.