Deleting Attributes

When you delete an attribute, all attribute values associated with the attribute are also deleted. Attribute values are removed from members to which they had been assigned, and the attribute is removed from dimensions to which it was assigned.


This topic documents how to delete attributes using the Classic Dimension Editor which is accessed by using the Dimensions link in the Navigator menu. In a previous update, we released the Simplified Dimension Editor.

For information about using the Simplified Dimension Editor to delete attributes, see Deleting Attributes.

To delete attributes:

  1. From the Home page, click Navigator Navigator icon, and then under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
  2. Select the sparse dimension from which to delete an attribute, and click Custom Attributes icon (Custom Attributes).
  3. Select the attribute to delete.
  4. Above the Attribute column, click Delete icon (Delete).
  5. Click OK.
  6. Update and validate business rules and reports.