Editing Details for a Valid Intersection Group

To edit intersection group details, you work with dimension members in the member selector. You can also define exclusions in intersection rules.

To edit intersection group details:

  1. Click Application, and then click Valid Intersections.
  2. If it isn't already selected, click the Setup tab.


    The Setup tab is at the bottom of the page.

  3. Click the name of the intersection group you want to edit.


    A pagination bar displays at the bottom of the rules page. If you have a large number of rules, you can use the pagination bar to easily navigate between the rules pages and to jump to a specific page. The page size options (number of rules per page), which you can select on the pagination bar, are 25, 50, 100, and All. (Note that the All option isn't available if you have more than 300 rules.)

    • To edit dimension details, next to the dimension, click down arrow icon to select the members to include, exclude, or remove in the intersection rule:

      • Click Edit to open the Select Members page and select members, substitution variables, and attributes to include in the intersection rule. You can also type in the members or functions.

        See Using the Member Selector.

      • Click Exclude or Exclude All to define the dimension members you want to exclude from the rule:

        • Exclude: Selecting this option excludes members by ID. Only the specified members (base or shared) will be excluded.

        • Exclude All: Selecting this option excludes members by name. If a base member is specified, then the base and all of its shared members will be excluded. If a shared member is specified, then this member, its base member, and all other shared members of this member will be excluded.

      • Click Clear to clear the selection.

    • To delete a dimension from an intersection group, next to the dimension, click down arrow icon, and then click remove icon.

    • To remove a rule from an intersection group, click remove icon.

    • To add a dimension or a rule to an intersection group, click Add Rule or Add Dimension.

  4. Click Save and Close.