Filtering Valid Intersections

You can filter the list of intersections by certain criteria such as whether the intersection is enabled or not, whether the definition is valid or invalid, when it was modified, and by whom. When you filter, only the intersections that meet the filter criteria are displayed on the Valid Intersections page.

To filter intersections:

  1. Click Application, and then click Valid Intersections.
  2. Click filter icon (Filter) to specify filter criteria:
    • Enabled: View only the intersections that are enabled (Yes), not enabled (No), or select All.

    • Definition Type: View only the intersections that are the Valid Intersection or Invalid Intersection types, or select All.

    • Modified: View only the intersections that were modified before or after a certain date and time, or the intersections modified within a range of dates or times. Select After, Before, or Between and then click Select Date amd Time icon (Select Date and Time) to specify the date and time criteria.

    • Modified By: View only the intersections modified by selected users.

  3. Click More to further refine the filter criteria:
    • Dimensions

    • Anchor Dimensions

    • Unselected members are valid: Choose Yes, No, or All.

    • Additional Dimensions Required: Choose Yes, No, or All.

  4. Click Apply.