Cube Artifacts

Table D-4 Cube Artifacts

Artifact Description Last Modified Time Last Modified User Editable Dependencies

Attribute Dimensions

A list of dimensions whose type enables analysis based on the attributes or qualities of dimension members Yes No Yes: CSV None

Calculation Manager Rules

Objects that can contain templates and calculations that are grouped in components

Yes Yes Yes: XML None
Data Forms

A grid display that enables users to enter data into the database from an interface such as a web browser, and to view and analyze data or related text. Certain dimension member values are fixed, giving users a specific view into the data.

Forms can include predefined data validation rules that help implement business policies and practices. Errors or warnings are generated on the data form if entered data violates a validation rule.

Yes No Yes: XML Associated menus, user variables, and dimensions

Standard Dimensions

A list of dimensions associated with a single cube Yes No Yes: CSV Attribute Dimensions, if any
Substitution Variables Global placeholders for information that changes regularly No No No None