Sorting Members

You can sort members in ascending or descending order, by children or descendants. Sorting members affects the outline.

To sort members:

  1. From the Home page, click Navigator Navigator icon, and then under Create and Manage, click Dimensions.
  2. For Dimension, select the dimension for the members.
  3. On Dimensions, select the members whose children or descendants you want to sort.
  4. For Sort, select children or descendants.

    Sorting by children affects only members in the level immediately below the selected member. Sorting by descendants affects all descendants of the selected member.

  5. Click Sort Ascending icon (Sort Ascending) to sort by ascending order or Sort Descending icon (Sort Descending) to sort by descending order.
  6. Click OK.

    The next time you create or refresh the database, the outline is generated with members in the order that is displayed.