Understanding Runtime Prompts

The display and values of runtime prompts are affected by such aspects as:

  • Whether the Use as Override Value property is set at the rule or the ruleset level at design-time

  • Whether there are valid members on the form's Page/Point of View and whether the Use Members on Form and Hide Prompt options on the Business Rule Properties tab are selected (see Setting Business Rule Properties)

  • Whether the Runtime Prompt option is set during form design or set when designing the runtime prompt (see Designing with Calculation Manager for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud)

  • Whether the Use Last Value property is set when designing the business rule

  • Whether, in Calculation Manager, the option Create dynamic members is selected for the business rule and the parent member is enabled for adding dynamic children. If yes, then users can create new members by entering their name in the runtime prompt.


In the business process, runtime prompt values aren't replaced inside double quoted text. Alternately, you can use Groovy rules to achieve the same. However, launching a rule from Calculation Manager will replace runtime prompt values in double quoted text.


  1. If the Use as Override Value property is set at the rule or the ruleset level at design-time, the value overridden at the rule level or the ruleset level will take precedence over the values of members in the Page/Point of View and the last saved value. This occurs regardless of where the rule is launched (from the form or from the Rules link on the Navigator menu), and regardless of whether the runtime prompt is hidden during design. The Override Value can be set as a user variable, in which case the rule will be launched with the current value of the variable.

  2. When launched from a form, the values of members in the Page/Point of View take precedence over the last saved value if the Use Members on Form option is selected, regardless of whether the runtime prompt is hidden during design. The business rule is run without displaying the hidden runtime prompt to users, and the runtime prompt values are taken from the Page/Point of View members.

  3. If the Use Last Value option is selected for the runtime prompt at design time, and if any of these conditions exist:

    • Use Members on Form isn't selected

    • A runtime prompt is launched from the Rules link on the Navigator menu

    • Values can't be pre-filled from the context

    Then the precedence of runtime prompt values is determined by:

    1. The last saved value takes precedence.

    2. If a ruleset is launched, the value overridden at the ruleset level at design-time is used.

    3. If a business rule is launched, the value overridden at the rule-level at design-time is used. If it's not overridden at the rule-level, the runtime prompt value at design-time is used.

    Runtime prompts that are hidden at design time never use the last saved value. In these cases, the Use Last Value setting is ignored.

  4. The Use Members on Form and Hide Prompt options apply only to Member and Cross Dimension runtime prompt types (Cross Dimension runtime prompt types are available only for business rules created with Calculation Manager).

    The value set at the rule or the ruleset level at design-time when the Use as Override Value property is set participates in the Hide Prompt behavior.

  5. For Cross Dimension runtime prompts: the runtime prompt isn't hidden unless all the prompts in the runtime prompt can be pre-filled from the Override Value or Page/Point of View. The runtime prompt is displayed with some values pre-filled from the Override Value or Page/Point of View and others filled according to Principles 1, 2 and 3.

This table describes the result on runtime prompts of these settings and conditions:

Table 24-25 How Member Availability and Other Settings Affect Runtime Prompts

Availability of Override Value and member on the Page/Point of View Use Members on Form option is selected Hide Runtime Prompt property is set during runtime prompt design Hide Prompt option is selected for the form Result on Runtime Prompt
Use as Override Value is set and Override Value is available or the member is available on the Page/Point of View to use as the runtime prompt value. Yes Yes

Yes or No

Setting is ignored

The business rule runs without displaying the runtime prompt to users. Instead, the runtime prompt value is taken from the Override Value or Page/Point of View member.
Use as Override Value is set and Override Value is available or the member is available on the Page/Point of View to use as the runtime prompt value. Yes No Yes If all runtime prompts can be pre-filled from the Override Value or Page/Point of View context and are valid and within limits, the runtime prompts are not displayed. However, if even one runtime prompt value can't be pre-filled from the Override Value or Page/Point of View context, then all runtime prompts display, with values pre-filled wherever possible. All others follow Principles 1 and 3.
Use as Override Value is set and Override Value is available or the member is available on the Page/Point of View to use as the runtime prompt value. Yes No No The runtime prompt is displayed to users, with values pre-filled from the Override Value or Page/Point of View.
Use as Override Value isn't set and the member isn't available on the Page/Point of View to use as the runtime prompt value. Yes Yes

Yes or No

Setting is ignored

The business rule displays the runtime prompt to users, with values pre-filled according to Principle 3.

For example, the form context can't be passed because the dimension of the runtime prompt is on rows or columns, so the Hide Prompt setting is ignored and the runtime prompt displayed.

Use as Override Value isn't set and the member isn't available on the Page/Point of View to use as the runtime prompt value. Yes No Yes The runtime prompt is displayed to users, with values pre-filled according to Principle 3.
Use as Override Value is set and Override Value is available, and the member isn't available on the Page/Point of View to use as the runtime prompt value. Yes No No If all runtime prompts can be pre-filled from the Overide Value and are valid and within limits, the runtime prompts are not displayed. However, if even one runtime prompt value can't be pre-filled from the Overide Value, then all runtime prompts display, with values pre-filled wherever possible. All others follow Principles 1 and 3.
Use as Override Value isn't set and the member isn't available on the Page/Point of View to use as the runtime prompt value. Yes No No The runtime prompt is displayed to users, with values pre-filled according to Principle 3.
Use as Override Value is set and Override Value is available, and the member isn't available on the Page/Point of View to use as the runtime prompt value. Yes No No The runtime prompt is displayed to users, with values pre-filled according to Principles 1 and 3.
Use as Override Value is set and Override Value is available or the member is available on the Page/Point of View to use as the runtime prompt value. No Yes Not available The business rule runs without displaying the runtime prompt to users. Instead, the design-time values are used.
Use as Override Value is set and Override Value is available or the member is available on the Page/Point of View to use as the runtime prompt value. No No Not available The runtime prompt is displayed to users, with values pre-filled according to Principle 3.
Use as Override Value isn't set and the member isn't available on the Page/Point of View to use as the runtime prompt value. No Yes Not available The business rule runs without displaying the runtime prompt to users. Instead, the design-time values are used.
Use as Override Value isn't set and the member isn't available on the Page/Point of View to use as the runtime prompt value. No No Not available The runtime prompt is displayed to users, with values pre-filled according to Principle 3.

When hidden runtime prompt values are ambiguous, note:

  • If the form context can't be passed in (because the dimension is on the row or column, for example), hidden runtime prompts are displayed.

  • With hidden Cross Dimension runtime prompt types, if all prompts can't be passed in from the Override Value or context, the runtime prompt displays with values pre-filled from Override Value or context values and design time values. For example, if the Cross Dimension has runtime prompts for Period, Entity, and Scenario, and Entity is defined on the row and Scenario has an Override Value set, then the runtime prompt displays with the Override Scenario, then design time value for Entity, then Page Period.

  • If the Override Value is present, or context can be passed in for the runtime prompt value but it's out of limits, then the runtime prompt is displayed with the context value pre-filled.

  • If there is more than one runtime prompt of type Member or type Cross Dimension combined, then the runtime prompts are displayed with the Override Value or context values pre-filled. For example, if there is a member type runtime prompt for the Entity dimension and a Cross Dimension type runtime prompt with one prompt for the Entity dimension, then both runtime prompts are displayed. This rule doesn't apply to Calculation Manager rulesets.

  • When launched from the Rules link on the Navigator menu, runtime prompts are hidden and the design-time value (overridden at the rule or ruleset level) is used to launch the business rule. If the provided design-time value is out of limits, then the runtime prompt is displayed with the design-time value pre-filled.

  • Runtime variables that are hidden during design never use the last saved value. The Use Last Value property is ignored, and the values are not saved to the database.