Working With Invalid Intersection Reports

You can view reports that show data at invalid intersections on the Reports tab of the Valid Intersections page. Invalid Intersection Reports lists existing reports, their status, and the last time they were run.

To work with invalid intersection reports:

  1. Click Application, then Valid Intersections, and then click the Reports tab.


    The Reports tab is at the bottom of the page.

  2. Perform a task:

    • To refresh the listing, click Refresh.

    • To create a report, click Create, name the report, select the cube, choose the scope of the report, and then select when to run the report. You can run the report now or run the report later by saving it as a job. To save a report without running it, click Save and Close. To remove a report after it's run, click Remove Reports.


      Invalid intersection reports are not supported for aggregate storage cubes. Aggregate storage cubes are not listed in the Cube drop-down list.

      Also in an invalid intersection report, any Entity/Scenario/Version dimension combinations are treated as planning units or point of view dimensions, and you can select only one member for each dimension. Additional dimensions allow function selections like IDESCENDANTS(<member_name>).

    • To edit a report, click Actions icon (Actions), and then Edit.

    • To copy a report, click Actions icon (Actions), and then Duplicate.

    • To run a report, click Actions icon (Actions), and then Run.

    • To delete a report, click Actions icon (Actions), and then Delete.